View Full Version : OK to go to Bird Show?

10-18-2008, 07:19 PM
There is a big bird show being held this weekend very close to where I live:


I am wondering if I should go or not. I am curious to see it. I won't bring my birds (I think they would be terrified!)

I am worried about diseases since on Sunday afternoon there is a pet bird show and anyone can bring their birds in for a $5 fee and enter.

Is it safe for my birdies at home if I go? What do you think?

10-18-2008, 07:36 PM
Some bird shows are excellent, others are filthy, alot are in between- with healthy birds mere feet from obviously ill ones.
If you do go, please make sure to wash up and change clothing immediately.
The next time I go (if there is a next time after Tanner), I won't even enter the same side of the house as my birds before a complete shower, hair included, and a change of clothes.
Sometimes there are good deals on accessories, etc. but everything from a show should be thoroughly cleaned before use.
Have fun if you go! There are many great breeders out there to meet and talk to. Too bad they all aren't that way.

10-18-2008, 10:50 PM
I can only second Jeni's reply as I too will be attending a show in our area this weekend. Not only will this be the first show I've been to in quite sometime but may very well be the last. While this might be cause for some argument here, I now feel any bird fair or show that incorporates live birds into their agenda poses too much of a risk towards many otherwise healthy birds. Needless to say, not only will I change "all" my clothing, but will be taking a good shower right after leaving the show.

In this day and age, many questions need to be asked in regards to how these various shows and events are handled. While it would be a shame to no longer have shows that provide a wide variety of avian supplies and literature, having now known that these events have been the source of many a serious illness both viral and otherwise, its time to make some changes.

I already have a small entourage of those who would like to keep these shows in existence yet have no doubt feel that those who organize them need to enact more restrictive type provisions. Afterall, they could be an excellent source of literature and products (even without birds) if they would at least pose reasonable requirements towards their vendors. This would certainly be a lot more effective than the usual antibacterial hand lotion.

10-18-2008, 10:52 PM
Jeni's advice is excellent and should be followed to the letter. I do the same thing, as you never know what can come home attached to your hair, clothing or shoes. I don't go near my birds until I've showered and completely changed clothing.

10-19-2008, 02:13 AM
I totally agree- there should be much tougher rules about the birds that are brought.
I mean- you can't even board your dog for the weekend without a whole battery of shots.
I think that as so many avian illnesses are very easily transmitted from bird to bird, or even carried home on our clothing, any live bird brought to a show should have proof of testing and some kind of health certificate.
If folks wish to purchase a bird there, at least they know it has a better chance of being healthy. Or, the breeder could elect to bring a select few to the show, and have a display with photos of other available birds.
I can't even tell you how many cages I've seen at shows with filthy water, poop everywhere, birds with ratty feathers, random eggs on cage floors, 10+ birds in cages half the size of the cages I have for EACH of my birds.
Then there are the people who do everything right; spotless cages, well socialized and happy birds, fresh clean water and food.
That's where the problem lies- the good breeders can be exposed to awful diseases through no fault of their own. They show up expecting all breeders will be courteous and respectful of the health of ALL birds, and then some yahoo shows up and endangers everyone.
GRRRR- something should be done!

10-19-2008, 11:13 AM
I'm not going to the show today. Some friends called yesterday and we made plans to meet with them this afternoon. It would be too rushed.

Maybe another time I'll go to a show. And now I know the proper precautions to take.
