View Full Version : Todays Kirtland bird fair.

10-19-2008, 08:59 PM
Because of the close proximity of this event to where I live (plus not having attended one in several years) the adventurous/advantageous side got the best of me so I just had to go. Besides, this show basically had plenty of good sponsors including one of my vets and a few friends who's vested interest in parrots helped inspire my own need to find out what the most recent shows were all about.

In comparison to shows I've already attended, this event was much smaller in proportion to those I remember from the past. There were from what I can tell only about 12 vendors along with appox 20 parrots in a grange hall that left little room for much else. Quite frankly, I did expect somewhat of a larger event. Regardless though, it was the overall integrity in its efforts towards educating those with an avian interest while offering various products that prompted most of my curiosity.

I would say despite its size this show was rather fun. The only exception were several filthy cages lined up center stage the total length of the hall. These cages (which should have all been thrown away let alone allowed past the parking lot entrance) were all courtesy of a single vendor who's stand and parrots initiated a wide girth reaction from all who happened by. My guess is that there's just no stopping them..........:x

From a more speculative view point, I have my doubts in the future these type events will become any more popular than they are now. One reason may very well be that due to the wide variety of information and resources available via the internet, there's no longer much need to go anywhere except in the event you unfortunately need a vet. And even after speaking to a couple represntatives from PEAC (parrot education and adoptive center) I found they too will soon be relying upon web access as a way for members to attend any upcoming seminars. To me of course, thats a good thing as Akron always did involve so much time and travel just for an hour or two long session.

To sum it all up. This show offered a fair amount of literature yet nothing in the way of a good deal. No cheap toys, definitely no cheap birds (probably a good thing), and really not much of anything else. Will I attend another in the future?.......No.