View Full Version : When do females start laying eggs?

10-22-2008, 08:50 AM
Hi, I have two females, a young GCC (8 months) and a young lovie (7 1/2 months) and wondered when do they start laying eggs? Also, we have tents in both of their cages, when should we start removing them during the day to discourage egg laying?

10-22-2008, 10:56 AM
THey are physically capable of laying after 6-7 months old, however, it can be life threatening, as egg-binding is very risky with such a young bird.
I would begin ONLY offering their tents for night time as of today. Having their tents and having their hormones begin might just be a trigger to begin laying before they really should.

HOpe this helps

10-22-2008, 03:39 PM
It depends, my girl is 2 years old and is sitting on her first clutch right now. I didn't add a nesting box until after she was about 1 year old. You definitely don't want them laying at this young of an age, so I would take out the tents during the day.

10-22-2008, 09:56 PM
Just curious--What makes a single girl like my Buddy decide to lay one egg when she's somewhere around 6 (or 7 or 8--don't remember for sure). I guessed it was because I was sick a pretty much ignored her for a couple of weeks Let her stay in her drawer nest a lot. (She always had several nests going, but she never spent all day in there before.) But why just one egg. If she decided to lay, why stop? Would being egg bound with that one egg stop her from making any more? Lucky for us both that, sick as I was, I did notice when she didn't come out of her cage as usual. One look at her fluffed on her swing, bearing down every minute or so, & it was off to the emergancy vet. Expensive little egg!

10-22-2008, 10:07 PM
THey are physically capable of laying after 6-7 months old, however, it can be life threatening, as egg-binding is very risky with such a young bird.
I would begin ONLY offering their tents for night time as of today. Having their tents and having their hormones begin might just be a trigger to begin laying before they really should.

HOpe this helps

Hi, I'll start removing the tents during the daytime now. Are younger birds more prone to egg binding? What kind of hormonal behavior should we be watching for?