View Full Version : Hours of fun!

10-24-2008, 03:47 PM
My boyfriend bought some dried sweetcorn on the cob from the pet shop for his parrotlet and i picked a few bits off for my birds to see what they did, it was so funny watching them! It kept pinging out their beaks because it was so hard! Everytime they dropped it they went off after it to tackle it again! It kept them busy and quiet for ages! Eventually they got into the middle of it but i think if theyre being too noisy from now on ill get some dried sweetcorn out! :D

10-24-2008, 03:58 PM
Would love to see that. But don't get your hopes up too high about this being the answer to the noise problem! I've yet to find a toy that keeps Buddy's interest forever, no matter how much fun it was at first. Unless, of course, the toy requires my participation. Then it's fun for hours....and hours......and hours.....

10-24-2008, 05:00 PM
I did have a feeling the novelty might wear off soon! I wish i had filmed it, no sooner did they get it it shot out of there beaks again! Lots of feet padding around on the carpet! :D

10-24-2008, 06:16 PM
Hrmm you know for my own personal reasons my birds are not allowed to run or play on the ground, and only my tiel pohaku has even tried to run on the ground....
who here allows and doesnt allow thier birds on the ground?
Remember that talking singing danceing cockatiel?

This tiel was accidently steped on and killed by his fidma of 12 years she posted this as a rememberance, please all be very carefull half a step or a book falling off the table could be deadly.

10-24-2008, 09:00 PM
I got a few i'ms i am sorry, i did not post the link to make anyone sad just so people realise how fast a tragedy can occur hug and snuggle your fids one never knows what tommorow will bring!

10-24-2008, 09:33 PM
that has got to be one of the most adorable tiels i've ever seen!!

but yes, it's very important to be aware of a fids location & environment at all times. too easy for accidents... from my maka & the ceiling fan & having to put him to sleep...and my hale-bopp was stepped on too... we were very lucky in that haley was lopsided for a few days, but survived & was hale for many years after that.

my birds are only allowed to be on the ground if i am also sitting on the floor playing with them. when i stand up, on to a shoulder they go.

10-25-2008, 04:40 AM
Its ok, they dont stay on the floor for very long, just to run to get the sweetcorn and then back on my head or shoulder! I do always keep a good eye on them, me and my boyfriend stay in the same place on the floor anyway so there is nobody to come in and cause accidents :) Im watching them now in their cage, every second i hear a "clonk" because Sticky is picking them off the cob, just as he gets it, its shoots out his beak! Bobble is on the floor of the cage trying to pickthem all up! I have a quick video, i might try and put it on here later! :D

10-25-2008, 04:44 AM
I do love my two birds very much and take 100% good care of them, I honestly would never put them in any danger and i spend a lot of time with them which will always have my full attention.

10-25-2008, 05:26 AM
I got a few i'ms i am sorry, i did not post the link to make anyone sad just so people realise how fast a tragedy can occur hug and snuggle your fids one never knows what tommorow will bring!
No need to apologize for reiterating something that we all need to realize! Floors are not safe places and mine aren't allowed there, either, not even my larger parrots!

In fact, I'm going to take this opportunity to mention a few of my other "pet" peeves!

1. In my house, all toilet tops are in the down position when not in use! I learned this experience as a child when my mother's parakeet found its way into an open commode. The bird survived because I saw it happen but the outcome would have been very different had I not been there. It was a very powerful lesson! I never leave water in sinks, either.

2. Look at the seat of your chair before you sit down! Don't assume your feathered friend is not there.

3. Know where your bird is at all times! This is a very broad precaution but it involves realizing potential situations that could harm your bird. If I'm having a lot of company, all parrots are in their cages. It only takes one open door or a bird in an unexpected place for tragedy to occur!

10-27-2008, 08:46 AM
My boyfriend bought some dried sweetcorn on the cob from the pet shop for his parrotlet and i picked a few bits off for my birds to see what they did, it was so funny watching them! It kept pinging out their beaks because it was so hard! Everytime they dropped it they went off after it to tackle it again! It kept them busy and quiet for ages! Eventually they got into the middle of it but i think if theyre being too noisy from now on ill get some dried sweetcorn out! :D

Hi, is this the kind that pops in the microwave? My birds love that! :)

10-27-2008, 12:56 PM
No, it is a corn on the cob but dried up :D

10-28-2008, 09:45 AM

Thank you for the reminder. We all need an occasional reminder that it is our responsibility to keep our birds safe--even when other people don't agree with us.

I had some family members get upset at me during a recent family reunion at my home because I zip tied all of our bird cages closed. (I later removed them after I was sure everyone understood the rules.)

With thirty people coming and going in and out of the house I didn't want to risk any disasters with our fids. We did have a couple of supervised sessions with people and birds but I didn't want strangers (to them) taking them in and out on their own.

I also didn't force any of the birds to go to strangers, but some of them did happily go to bird friendly people. It was interesting to me to notice that they went to the family members who have had birds or who currently have birds. They knew who the "safe people" were.

And, we made it through the entire four days with no birdie disasters. :)

My brother was pretty cute because he got up early each morning so he could help me feed all the birds. He would love to have a couple now but hasn't gotten them because he has a home office. He thinks that people might not be too understanding about birds joining in on webex meetings or conference calls... I think it would be a refreshing change to boring meetings!


We have tried the corn on the cob and have partially popped it in the microwave. The birds love picking it off of the cob when some of it is popped and some isn't. They have popcorn parties!

10-28-2008, 11:54 AM
It was interesting to me to notice that they went to the family members who have had birds or who currently have birds. They knew who the "safe people" were.

He thinks that people might not be too understanding about birds joining in on webex meetings or conference calls... I think it would be a refreshing change to boring meetings!

They have popcorn parties!

Isn't amazing how they can tell who the "safe people" are? So far the only person Gussie has refused is my sister--smart birdie :evil:

I have a home office and do find people enjoy having an occasional bird joining in a business conversation. To my knowledge, no one has objected yet. And you can always make sure the birdies are in their cages if a "stuffy" client is involved. Tell your bro...get some birds!!!!

Gussie is eating Popcorn Nutr-berries, even as I am typing this :happy: