View Full Version : new annoying habit

10-27-2008, 09:35 AM
ok, joey's taking to nibbling my collar bone. But it's a very tiny, tiny, and I mean, TINY constant nibbling. Is he preening me? It hurts.

10-27-2008, 09:38 AM
Eddie started doing this a few weeks ago too. He leaves red marks all over my neck.

I say "easy!" firmly and if that doesn't work, I push him back a little.

10-27-2008, 11:18 AM
ok, good, it's not just me. I look like I have a rash from it.

10-27-2008, 01:48 PM
ok, i'm concluding that joey is preening me...obsessively preening me. I tried to get him a preening toy, but, nope, that won't do. Any skin area: yes. Anyone have any ideas on what to do? it's sweet of him and all, but it sure can hurt and look rash like. this bird is just crazy about me.

10-27-2008, 09:26 PM
Im not sure if this will happen with your lovie.. but elmo started to nibble on my ear.. and it turned into biting all over my neck and ear..

I would suggest trying to distract him from your neck.. maybe give him a bit of your hair (if you have long hair?).. otherwise you can get sterilized feathers at shops.. so maybe see if he will preen that instead?

10-27-2008, 10:15 PM
haha, hopefully he won't start biting me. He's just preening me and it's hurts. It's worst than a bite. I look like I have rashes all over my arms, neck, and hands. Hah!!! and to think I used to wonder what preening felt like. i'll borrow joey to anyone anytime!!! LOL. I move him and he hops right back on me, hanging out on hands and whatnot (and to think I didn't want him to be scared of hands and fingers!!! Now he won't get off!!! Not that I'm really complaining, but it makes typing a heck of a lot harder). No, I don't have long hair. He used to just sit at the back of my head and preen my short hair, but he's moved onto skin. *sigh* these birdies.

10-27-2008, 10:32 PM
maybe you are allergic to his birdy spit or something?
because i get nibbles and nips on my neck.. but it will turn red but after 10 minutes it wil fade away?

haha you need to grow your hair to distract him!.. no matter how much we try.. lovies always have a mind of their own lol

10-27-2008, 10:54 PM
haha, maybe i'm just not made for preening!!! Lol. no, it doesn't go away, it's still there, like a rash. i distract him w/ toys and shredders, but that only lasts 5 seconds. the only time he's really super sweet, cuddly, and not hyper is when he's tired or scared and wants to snuggle. he's so cute when i rub his little feather head and face and he sticks his little tongue out w/ his sleepy eyes. most of the time, it's "no joey, stay away from mom's nose ring, that hurts!!!" or "joey, play w/ your toys" and "you'll be fine in your cage joey boo boo!!!" i just hope this preening stage is a stage. i know he loves me and it's in his instinct to preen the one he's bonded to, but there has to be a way. I can't go around for the next decade w/ preening scars :rofl:

10-28-2008, 12:49 AM
LOL... if its on your neck people will go. HICKEY HICKEY..(or lovebite.. depending where you're from).. and you will have to explain.. how you got it from a lovebird.. nothing weird here!! hahahaha..

10-28-2008, 05:05 AM
momo is correct in that you need to nip(no pun intented) :) in the bud, any form of preening that turns to nipping will then lead to biting, either remove said lovie from the area or offer distraction toys that they can preen instead. It starts of as cure innocent fun which can they lead to unwanted behaviour, (not the birds fault). Also the rash could mean you are sensitive to bird saliva as well.

Buy A Paper Doll
10-28-2008, 06:50 AM
Lily preens my collarbone and neck this way as well. When she starts to get carried away, I tell her "no" and offer her a strand of my hair to preen instead. If that doesn't work, I pick her up and move her to the table or desk or wherever we're sitting. Lily does NOT like being removed from my person, so this has proven to be an effective deterrent for my bird.

I've also added a couple more preening / chewing type toys to her cage, so that she can take her preening urges out on something other than me.