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10-27-2008, 09:53 AM
He would like to know why Eddie bites his ears everyday. Eddie hangs out on his shoulder and chomps on his ears daily. He even draws blood sometimes.

He will lay on his back and let the bf scritch him, but is very difficult for the bf to get him to return to his cage, yet he listens to the fid mother. :blush:

Anyone know what this behavior is? I feel sad because I watch the bf get madder and madder at him, and I want to get Eddie to stop biting so they can enjoy each other.

10-27-2008, 09:59 AM
Eddie sees your bf's ears as a toy. He does not equate them as a body part but as something with which he can play. Unfortunately, when birds get into playing, they can get rough and regular toys don't feel pain! You are going to have to teach Eddie that he's too rough or not allow him to be on your bf's shoulder.

10-27-2008, 10:14 AM
I agree with Linda. I've had many a lovebird who loves ears. Of course, toes are their favorite bitey toy:omg:.

My OF Won Ton is too cute. He will be sitting quietly on my shoulder and all of sudden he will do a little chirp with a quick wing flap and bite my ears lightly. He is just toooooo sweet when he does this and I totally love it. Now, if only my other lovies could nibble and chirp that lightly I would be happy:whistle:.

10-27-2008, 10:30 AM
You can also try getting the BF to cover his ears with a cap or something. At least, it might give lovie something else to grab instead of ears -- and if he can't see the ears, he won't want to bite them.

I have to keep my neck covered because I have these (apparently) irresistable skin tags that look just like food. :x Keeping them covered up is my best defense against curious beaks.

10-27-2008, 01:05 PM
Don't know if it will work on ears, but I broke Buddy of dumping the canary's seed and water dishes by painting the dish hooks with tobasco, using a cue tip. Took her exactly two tastes to never go near the hooks again. Worth a try :confused:

10-27-2008, 01:49 PM
If you have highly sensitive skin, cayenne/hot pepper sauce might temporarily cause burning and redness. On the other hand, capsicum is a primary active ingredient in pain relieving patches and rubs, so...

But aren't parrots supposed to loooooove hot peppers? (Or maybe just the South/Central American ones, since peppers are native to South and Central America?)

I think I also read somewhere that lovebirds (and some parrots) like the reactions they get from humans--and if the bf gives Eddie a big dramatic reaction of yelling, jumping up, and waving arms around, Eddie might simply enjoy noshing on him to amuse himself.

10-27-2008, 02:10 PM
Eddie might simply enjoy noshing on him to amuse himself.

Regardless of the reason/s why, I think it's safe to say Eddie is enjoying himself :rofl: Isn't that a lovie's mission in life--to enjoy themselves, however and whenever they want :confused:

As for enjoying hot peppers--I wondered about that, too, since Buddy does seem to like spicy food. But from the double take I saw when she tasted the tabasco, that was one spice she didn't like! The scenario was, first taste, huge surprise. Second, cautious taste, slight reaction, then she walked away, never to touch the cups again! She is a quick study, bless her heart.

10-27-2008, 02:15 PM
The difference between hot chili peppers and tabasco sauce is that the peppers are dry, where the tabasco sauce is wet. Birds have dry mouths so the hot peppers don't bother them. Don't them press any part of them that's touched the peppers against you! My own skin turns pink at the slightest touch.

Pips mom
10-27-2008, 07:07 PM
Don't know if it will work on ears, but I broke Buddy of dumping the canary's seed and water dishes by painting the dish hooks with tobasco, using a cue tip. Took her exactly two tastes to never go near the hooks again. Worth a try :confused:
Wow! what a great idea.....how rescourceful are you? Pip drove me nuts knocking off the tiel's food dishes off of their cage from the outside....how many times wasted food. I finally broke down and bought them new dishes that bolt on and cannot be taken off by a mischeivous lovie!He also used to knock down their cuttlebone, which would then break and be hard to put back up! I bought new holders for them too! :rolleyes:

10-27-2008, 07:32 PM
I think they like the ear texture as toys, also tell bf that it's because he loves him he's getting a good preening session!
All my birds love peppers the hotter the better i give them whole peppers and they have juice....hrmm mabey its just the tobasco combination, but then again everbirdie is different:D

10-28-2008, 03:38 PM
Thanks guys. I do have some yucky bitter spray the vet gave me to keep Marley from biting his ecollar (which didn't work) but I could try with Eddie.

I will pass this info on to the boyfriend, I am sure he will be happy to know it isn't him!