View Full Version : Help! plucked feathers? i think!?!

10-27-2008, 03:29 PM

I have two lovebirds a female and a male both just getting on for one year old,

and recently i have noticed A) that they have both become rather broody. Mainly the female, and she will nip and chase the male when she thinks he is too close, try to make a nest out of anything she can spot. Othertimes she is fine and they both cuddle together etc. Basically normal behaviour. If you seperate them they both go wild to either play with each other / try to break each other out of the cage...

but ive noticed my male bird has developed a slight bald patch on his chest, quite high up. Is it at all possible Mindy ( the female) is plucking him? or picking at this feathers?

He seems very happy, comes out to play several times a day, and if there not out playing they do play quite proficiently in their cage...

Help muchly appreciated as im very worried!

what should i do?

Ive never once seen him picking at his own feathers nor has anyone ells, of course we see him preening himself. I can only imagine when we are not there they may be snuggling up to each other and she is pinching at his feathers?

10-27-2008, 10:25 PM
If you could take a photo... Im sure the more experience people on the board will be able to help :)... sorry I cant :(

10-28-2008, 04:10 AM
I will try and get some tonight,

unfortunately while mindy will let me hold her for an hour in my hand, mork fidgets like a crazy person whenever i hold him for more than 30 seconds or so

10-28-2008, 04:56 AM
If you have a male/female pair and the female is broody, she may very well be the culprit in the plucked feathers. Females will pluck their own chest feathers to better expose their brood patch and I've had a few that will do the same to their mates. I've got one male that doesn't believe his female companion needs to have head feathers! Occasionally, she will have all of them but mostly she resembles a vultcher, bald to the neck!

10-28-2008, 05:54 AM

randy buggers lol.

I will try and get a photo tonight. All her feathers are perfectly intact. But his are thin on the ground on his breast. So... may well be it..