View Full Version : Need help Introducing.. & the secret to Marley's sex!

10-28-2008, 03:50 PM
Just got a call from the vet on the results of Marley's DNA test. Now, I would have loved to have a thread where we all guess, but since I know half of them will be ..... he is cute, I will just tell you all now......

It's a Boy!!

So, armed with that info, hopefully someone can guide me with what to do next. After quarantine, they started with cages across the room, then now they are side by side for about 10 days.

Eddie and Marley sit close on the perch nearest each other most of the day, but the conversation they are having today makes me feel puzzled as to if they like or hate each other. * Sorry for the TV in the background

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJmwPNJUvcc - WARNING! If your birds are sleeping, turn volume down!

and this one, which shows the position they sit in most of the day.


I did have Eddie on me a couple of days ago and Marley was on the floor eating some highly desired seed from a cup. Eddie jumped down off me, jumped onto the cup and made a peck at Marley's bare chest. Marley went running.

Now today, I had Eddie on my finger, and I had the door to Marley's cage open. They touched beaks, then Eddie jumped into his cage and it looked like he pecked his wing area where the wound had been. Marley again ran away.

I am wondering if bird's must establish a "pecking order", and a little biting to get that done is normal, or what. I DO NOT want any more birdie wounds, so I want to be conservative.

I will search some threads on this forum for some other posts about this, but would love to hear what people's experiences have been with this

I know Eddie was born with a silver spoon in his beak, and I don't want him to hurt Marley who wasn't born with such advantages. Thanks guys.

10-28-2008, 05:38 PM
Oh, and as a reminder....

Remember Marley got his wound from 2 other birds he had been living with at his old home who had paired up. He I think has a submissive personality, if that helps you all answer me.

10-28-2008, 08:05 PM
From what I can tell Laura, you've been covering all the bases very well. Starting out across the room until their finally side by side is how I would begin an introduction. The fact that they now remain in close proximity is very promising. My thinking though would be the longer you could wait, the better before taking the plunge. Unfortunately, I've never introduced two lovebirds in my entire life so I'm probably not much help. My only experience is with other larger species by way of using their body language, and even that would suffer at this point. The only thing that worries me about your situation is Marley's injury. Somehow I feel if his injury is still visible, Eddie may have an instinctive reason to go after him.

10-28-2008, 08:06 PM
The breeder told me today it cost 30 dollars to find out the sex of the lovie. I'd love to see what my bird will come out to be =]. I'm naming him/her Noah anyways...so that's a girl and a boys name =].

10-28-2008, 09:01 PM
Hi Laura, I can understand how you are feeling introducing your birds to one another.

I was very nervous introducing Squeaky and Ducky because of the huge age difference between them. After they were side by side for about 2 weeks, I got a feeling it was time. They were chirping at each other and watching each other so I let them out together. I watched them very closely, ready to intervene if things got aggressive. They kind of ignored each other at first and gradually started hanging out together. I guess it is the same principles that seem to apply to lovies - patience and consistency! Now they fly around, play and groom each other. They even feed each other sometimes. :omg: I honestly think both birds are happier. And I am still close to Ducky and closer than I used to be to Squeaky. It seems to be a win-win situation for all of us. :)

Good luck with your birds. Please ask me any specific questions you have and I'll do my best to help.

Congrats on your boy Marley! You've done a great job in taking care of him and helping him along in his recovery.

10-28-2008, 09:13 PM
Thanks guys.

What Michael said about Eddie going after Marley because he looks sick with his missing feathers may be right.

Anyone else heard of that?

Christine, was there ever any squabbling?

10-29-2008, 12:48 AM
From the video I saw, Eddie and Marley look pretty interested in each other. If they didn't like each other or not interested, they would not be sitting so close to each other chirping back and forth.

Introducing lovies is tricky but you've given them lots of time to get familiar with each other. I suggest you bring them out together on neutral ground and let them meet in birdy person. I would make sure there was no access to either cage to quell any territory problems. Some pecking, beaking, and foot biting is common, but just stay close so you can break up any fights. Just don't overeact and make sure they are on neutral ground.

Good lUCk:)

Pips mom
10-29-2008, 08:47 AM
Awww, it's a boy......I'm glad that it's a boy and you won't have any worries about eggs! They do seem very interested in each other, I sure hope that they end up being good friends! Good luck!

10-29-2008, 10:14 AM
Thanks guys.

What Michael said about Eddie going after Marley because he looks sick with his missing feathers may be right.

Anyone else heard of that?

Christine, was there ever any squabbling?

A few little squabbles. Mostly to do with food. Ducky is a pretty aggressive bird and Squeaky has always been very passive. If Ducky is being a pain, I usually take Squeaky for a little walk with me. Ducky usually gets curious and comes to find us and then they hang out together on my shoulder. But no serious squabbles yet. I usually keep an ear out (if I'm not watching them) for any signs of problems.

Your birds look like they are interested in each other in the video. Perhaps Michael is right about Eddie going after Marley because he looks sick.

10-29-2008, 04:00 PM
So, foot biting is normal? I thought I saw Eddie try to go to his foot. I didn't know if the first bite is light, or if they start hard. I don't want any injuries.

Eddie hasn't had any bird companions since he was weaned, and Marley has always been with other birds. I see how Marley pines to be with Eddie and the little brat seems to care more about me! I hope that changes.

I will try them in a nuetral room away from the cages, and be quick to intervene. If Eddie looks like he is being mean, I will wait to try them again until all Marley's feathers have grown in.

If he still plucks his chest though, is it ok to try? Didn't Milo recently get introduced to a new bird?

10-29-2008, 05:10 PM
Ok from my own personal experiance it is not unheard of for birds of the flock to pick on a flock member they sense is sick or weak (it's how i got to adopt lemon drop)
My lovebirds as well as most of my flock will nibble feet and squable as they decide the pecking order, it took nearly a month before boo would stop harassing sunshine but she finaly realised he was good for preening feeding and an occasional swishy!
And altho she still hen pecks him she loves and protects him and calls to him if she doesnt see or hear him.

10-29-2008, 09:22 PM
From what I have seen, foot biting is normal! Squeaky's mate, Blue Meanie, sent him to the vet a couple of time with some nasty bites on the foot! Luckily the bites were not too severe!

Good luck introducing your birdies!

10-31-2008, 09:31 AM

How long did he bite? And was it the existing bird being mean to the new bird?

I tried the two of them out last night, and Eddie did bite Marley's toe a few times, but he did not bite it too hard. After two bites, Marley made a sound and would lunge a little. This seemed to make Eddie back down. I have a few pictures, and a short video from their encounter I will post tonight. Eddie looked like he had "hackles" up in one picture.

Poor Marley would follow Eddie wherever he would go. Both of them were on my bf's back and I would stick my face between them, nuzzling Eddie than kissing Marley, then back to Eddie. I was trying to make him feel like we were all a big, happy flock :blush: boy can I be a dork.

The whole encounter lasted about 15 minutes before I decided that they had enough. I am thinking that maybe little bits of an encounter may keep it fun and not challenge Eddie's role as king of the roost. I thought if he didn't feel challenged, he may be more accepting. I may try again if I get home from work early enough.

I work in Public Safety and Halloween is always a challenge.

10-31-2008, 11:02 AM

How long did he bite? And was it the existing bird being mean to the new bird?

It was actually Ducky (new bird) trying to bite Squeaky (existing bird.) He does it every once in a while, just a quick nip. Sometimes Squeaky goes back into his own cage while they are out playing for a quick snack. It seems like Ducky doesn't like this and a couple times tried to go in and bite Squeaky! So I removed Ducky from Squeaky's cage to give Squeaky some peace. I think Ducky wanted to play and was mad that Squeaky wasn't interested. It hasn't happened for a while.

It sounds like what you are doing is a good idea. Short, supervised visits will help them get used to each other gradually. Do you still let them out of the cages on their own?

10-31-2008, 11:36 AM
Yes, they still come out for time on their own.

Eddie mostly, because he is the velcro bird. Marley sits with me for a few minutes, then runs over to Eddies cage to try and be with him. Problem is, he tries to crawl on the cage sides, and I am so worried about a toe bite I have to run to rescue him.

So, I don't let Marley out as much as the bratiest little beaner Eddie.

10-31-2008, 04:14 PM
I had the same situation with Ducky and Squeaky too!

Squeaky would go over to Ducky's cage and crawl all over it. Squeaky has always been so curious and not particularly bonded to me. Ducky had his wings clipped at the time so when he came out, he just hung out on me.

I think in time your birdies will probably warm up to each other. Remember - time and patience and consistency usually works with these little birdies!