View Full Version : Interesting find on-line

10-28-2008, 06:18 PM
So I was doing some more searches for lovebirds in flight when I came across a site featuring a bird "catalog" from the '30s. It features a variety of small parrots and other pet birds.

Here is a link that describes the eye-ring lovebirds and features a lovely drawing of the "Nyassaland" lovebird:


I can't imagine being able to find a Nyasa lovebird for $10 today ;)

The next page shows a bee-bee parrot (aka Orange-chinned or Tovi parakeet) and has a description of the peach-faced lovebirds.

Thought that you folks would enjoy :)


10-28-2008, 07:08 PM
WoW. That is a interesting site. I like the Java finch ad as well. Thanks for sharing!

10-28-2008, 08:19 PM
I think only you Eliza can come up with these sorts of things.........:rotfl........Seems to me even back then they made at least some recommendation towards pairing by the better price should you decide to buy two................:)

10-28-2008, 08:57 PM
I think it's so interesting that people thought the lovebirds HAD to be together. . . I read a post somewhere the other day where someone was asking about having a single lovebird, and almost all of the replies said it would commit suicide if it was by itself. . . :confused: