View Full Version : Driving me crazy!!

10-31-2008, 08:50 AM
I really new here, just need some help cos Birdie (I swear I didn't give him that name :rotfl) is getting out of my wits recently! He starts to get annoying by giving out repeated loud chirps non-stop (similar to when he gets his tail stuck, just not so irritated) when no one's near him, but stops when I went to his cage to play with him. What's happening:confused: Is he too lonely? Does he need a mate? Or is he just unhappy?
Birdie's really an adorable bird. He loves interacting with anyone (even my neighbour's dogs haha) and likes on climb on anyone's shoulder. I can accept his other odd behavior such as shredding paper and messing up the whole cage but I just can't stand this! Please help, thanks!

10-31-2008, 08:55 AM
Ooops, I've posted in the wrong section. Very sorry. Please delete this post for me, thanks.

10-31-2008, 08:59 AM
He starts to get annoying by giving out repeated loud chirps non-stop (similar to when he gets his tail stuck, just not so irritated) when no one's near him, but stops when I went to his cage to play with him. What's happening
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community!
What you are experiencing is termed "contact calls" and all birds do it. It's their way of communicating with each other when they are not in sight of one another. Do you call back to him when this starts? If not, a response from you will at least let him know that you are alive/safe even though he can't see you.

Additionally, lovebirds are very social birds and, in their minds, they need to be velcroed to the person of their choice 24/7! If the cage is not in a central location where your lovebird is very much part of the mainstream of the house, it might work better if you moved the cage.

Hope this is helpful.

10-31-2008, 07:36 PM
QuantumAM, I get these flock calls as well from my lovie.. what I have done is.. I've got a play gym for him which he knows is his and stays in it.. and if I am going to move to another room for an extended period of time.. I move him with him. :).. as long as they can see you generally they are ok..

Elmo needs to have people around him whether its my mother, my boyfriend or myself. Because as Linda said, they are social beings.. in the wild they have lots of birds around them. No one likes to be lonely..

I think its also pact mentality because they are such small birds.. the bigger the numbers.. the safer they feel...