View Full Version : Driving me crazy!!

10-31-2008, 08:57 AM
I really new here, just need some help cos Birdie (I swear I didn't give him that name :rotfl) is getting out of my wits recently! He starts to get annoying by giving out repeated loud chirps non-stop (similar to when he gets his tail stuck, just not so irritated) when no one's near him, but stops when I went to his cage to play with him. What's happening :confused: Is he too lonely? Does he need a mate? Or is he just unhappy?
Birdie's really an adorable bird. He loves interacting with anyone (even my neighbour's dogs haha) and likes on climb on anyone's shoulder. I can accept his other odd behavior such as shredding paper and messing up the whole cage but I just can't stand this! Please help, thanks!

10-31-2008, 09:06 AM
they do have a very loud cherp, mine does it sometimes, i go over make a fuss (chewing my fingers thorugh the bars) thne leave him be, he goes nts when he hears my other birds, i dont know maybe he needs to be in a place you are all the time

sorry i couldnt be much more help

10-31-2008, 10:03 AM
Birdie is simply callin got you to interact with him, they are contact calls he/she is making when you are out of sight, responding is re-inforcing that behaviour, you should just try talking back from where you are to let Birdie know you are there.

10-31-2008, 11:08 AM
Mine do this when i leave the room, not real loud and not really frequent but they do call out to me! :D

10-31-2008, 11:14 AM
Jack does this, but if a call back to him he stops, lol, if i dont then its on and on and on and on and ... well u get the picture, :)

10-31-2008, 11:30 AM
... It kinda breaks my heart a little when I'm getting ready to go out and Curaco calls to me as I'm leaving! :(

10-31-2008, 01:15 PM
I know, i hate it! Being unemployed has its up side, i get to spend a lot of time with mine! Theyll miss me if i ever get a job!

10-31-2008, 01:18 PM
Ah come on, mine do it while on my shoulder.

My ear feels like it is bleeding.

Lovies keep the hearing aid companies in business!

10-31-2008, 01:45 PM
The Birdy sounds like he/she is lonely =[. Spend more time with him or maybe you can give him a new friend to spend time with when you aren't home.

Pips mom
10-31-2008, 04:29 PM
Hmm, Pip doesn't seem to care at all when I leave the room. All he cares about is if he has to stay in his cage! He can get loud when he wants to, but mostly he doesn't. Yeah, I know the ole chirp in the ear bit too! Get on your shoulder all cute and cuddly, then a few minutes later....CHIRP! right in your ear! I do get the loud calls though from my tiels and also Ivy, and once one gets goin on the noise.....they usually all join in!

10-31-2008, 07:13 PM
Oh man! boo gave me a chirp in the ear yesterday i swear she stuck her beak right in there and did her loudest higest pitched chirp my ear was ringing for a good 3 minutes not kidding a loud ringing for 3 minutes!

10-31-2008, 07:38 PM
Alot of the time, this is what are called "contact calls". He just needs to know where you are and that all is well. You are, after all, his "flock". :)
I love when mine do this. I answer and most of the time they're ok with that.

Funnier, is when Jack will pretend to be in dire trouble. Screaming and flapping about like he's stuck or something. I come running, and he hops down like "What? Look at me, aren't I cute?" then he chuckles. :rotfl
I swear he's laughing.

10-31-2008, 07:58 PM
Funnier, is when Jack will pretend to be in dire trouble. Screaming and flapping about like he's stuck or something. I come running, and he hops down like "What? Look at me, aren't I cute?" then he chuckles. :rotfl
I swear he's laughing.

ahh.. jack has trained you well ;)

and when you walk in.. does he say.. "well.. now that you're here.. can we have some play time?"

10-31-2008, 08:18 PM
Kim, again Eddie and Pip are like twins.

Probably told each other, "Hey, go CHIRP! in their ear and watch what happens!"

10-31-2008, 10:17 PM
Hey guys,
thanks for all your help! Yeah it's true, I don't really put his cage really close to me, which is probably why he's calling out all the time. But it's there for a reason. I place him near the balcony, and there are lots of wild birds out there to talk to him. lol:rofl: I guess I have to spend more time with him :)

10-31-2008, 10:54 PM
I think he'd prefer your company over wild birds..
elmo lives in the lounge room throughout the day generally.. (if I dont move rooms).. and sleeps in my bedroom at night.

11-01-2008, 07:29 AM
I use to think Lovie sounds were so nice compared to the Suns, but since getting my girl...Holy Cow!!!! She is loud and shrill!!! I would not want that next to my ear!! Peanut is not that loud. His calls are for a reason and it breaks my heart when he is in the bird room and he hears me, he'll start calling for me :( But, when he hears a sneeze, he chirps as if he is saying "Bless you". LOL Seriously. It doesn't matter who is sneezing, he will chirp :)

11-01-2008, 09:37 AM
I have 29 lovies living in my house right now, and have had so many others hatched out or passing through my house over the years and the noise rarely bothers me. BUT RIGHT NOW I have the loudest craziest most annoying lovebird anybirdy can imagine :evil:. His name is Kai and he's a hybrid rescue that's been with us about 8 months, and he will scream and scream and scream and scream. The more amped out he gets the more he screams. I don't mean he screams like the shrill hen chirp that last 20 seconds. I'm talking a reverberating high pitched cheep that will go on and on and on until we freak out and put him upstairs with the other birds, where he hates. We love Kai and even though we get frustrated with his chirping there is nothing we can do. It's who he is, and our only recourse is to 1) check our own emotion and 2) give ourselves a little break and put him upstairs.

Oh, Kai rocks by the way. He's a great bird!!!!!!!!!

Pips mom
11-01-2008, 10:02 AM
Yup, no matter how you look at it, or what you do.....birds WILL be noisey! and you have to remember.....in he wild they can yell to their hearts content! and that is how it's supposed to be. We take that freedom from them and put them in our homes and expect them to conform to what WE want?? Not gonna happen! So when my birds get loud, yeah once in a while I get annoyed, but I always think.....it's just birdie noise, and I can do what I think will help to keep the noise down, but other than that, they're birds! they want to yell and chirp and fly and do all the things birds do. Sometimes when they get loud it doesn't even bother me in the least and I even laugh! They don't like it when I leave the room in the morning hours and will yell most days, but it doesn't last long and they always calm down as the day goes on, and once the sun sets, they usually are pretty calm after that. I also try to remember that one day I may not have them with me and they won't live forever, so I try to enjoy the birdie noise in my house, and make the best of it! and yeah if it gets really bad, you can try moving them to another room for a little while or even covering their cage for a little bit to see if it helps calm them down.

11-01-2008, 10:14 AM
I have a 3 season room I would love to convert to a bird room.

HGTV says "Never spend money converting a room to something too buyer specific."

Come on, everyone wants a bird room don't they?

If you made a bird room, what would you want?

Easy to clean floors, built in food containers, sink. What else? Not in my budget now, but nice to dream. ;)

11-01-2008, 11:23 AM
If you made a bird room, what would you want?

Easy to clean floors,

For sure! The "bird room" at the Aquarium (aka aviary) has stone floors with small drains tastefully color coordinated so you don't notice them every 15 feet or so--on the visitor's side. The birds have sand and drift wood on their "floor". A frequently asked question is, what keeps the birds on their side. Of course it's the people but when the people are gone, the birds take over. First thing every morning they have to wash the floor :rofl: The aviary has revolving glass doors to let visitors in an out without letting birds out. One winter evening, when the aquarium was open but the aviary closed (the aviary hours are set by the sun, not by visitor attendance), and there were all the sandpipers, huddled together up against the glass in the locked revolving door in a nice little wind-proof cage that they'd never find on the beach :rofl:

For those of us who don't have our own bird rooms, you can watch the aquarium birds and/or penguins on the live cams, 7 am to 7 pm pacific time.
(The birds are rescue, unreleasable birds--there is a 21 year old willet and a 22 year old sanderling--expected life in the wild 5 years--so they clearly have a good life even if they can't be free.)



There is also good info and video's of birds at risk in the wild (snowy plovers and albatross.)

Sometimes you get better views than others since the cameras are fixed in place and the birds aren't. You can watch the penguin feeding at 10:30 AM & 3:00 PM Pacific time. There are other cams, too, but they are about non-avian sea creatures so I won't go totally off-topic. :whistle: Anyway, I think the aviary is the closest I'll ever come to having my own bird room. :)

11-01-2008, 02:44 PM
Consider a dehumidifier. I live near the ocean in a cool climate so it is always damp here. I frequently got "sweaty" windows when I cleaned or ran water a lot. Not to mention the mold. I got a dehumidifier--problem solved. I'm amazed at how much water it pulls out of the air--fills the collection tank in less than 24 hours. I got mine online from Costco for about $100. Money well spent.

11-02-2008, 01:33 PM
Anyone have pics of their bird rooms?

11-03-2008, 02:47 PM

You mentioned the balcony with a view of wild birds. I have two lovies and they both go crazy by the windows. It's almost like it's too much stimulus - or like they are seeing the hawks outside and freaking out. Once I moved them into corners so that two walls are solid, they calmed right down. I have a pionus parrot that is the same way. I have to cover a lot of his cage and give him bottom "peeking" areas. He is much calmer that way. Or if you can put him in the room where you watch TV or hang out the most, I think you will see abig difference. Just a thought.....

11-07-2008, 07:23 AM
Nah my place doesn't have hawks. Just pigeons and other small birds. Yeah he's really happy coming out, but I just hate it when he poos all around every 3 minutes >:. But the way he walks around the house is just so hilarious!! :rofl:

11-07-2008, 12:16 PM
LOL. My two are both sort of "potty trained". We just started being able to tell when they were going to go and we quickly held them out away from us over a papertowel and said "go potty". Then about every 5 minutes we do the same and they go on command! Only took about 5 tries. It's much better than finding surprises all over....