View Full Version : Shower and birds?

11-01-2008, 04:46 PM
Alot of people have told me that you can shower with your birds. I am wondering how you can do that. Do you put a perch in the shower or do they just sit next to you on the side or what? Does the hot water hurt them? :confused:

11-01-2008, 05:14 PM
My first parakeet would sit on the shower head. . . well, we had one of those detachable ones with the hose that looped down, and he would sit on the curved bottom part and just get misted by the water. I'm sure you wouldn't want it to get too hot, or have them too close that they fall in and get stepped on/drown, but mine sure liked breathing the warmer wet air and just getting a bath.

Then he'd shake all over and fluff out after he was finished, and I'd carefully towel him down.

11-01-2008, 05:19 PM
Maybe my bird can sit somewhere in the shower (: . I just wanted to know if the hot water would hurt them or not. I'll make sure my bird is safe! I hope he warms up to me and likes me ;)

11-01-2008, 06:34 PM
Many on this board will advise you NOT to shower with your bird, it only takes a second for a small wet bird to fall to the bottom and get stepped on, showers get slippery and birds don't fly well when wet, especially if the wings are clipped, which is advisable for other safety reasons, and you could easily fall or lose your balance trying to get the bird off the bottom of the shower and end up hurting yourself and killing your bird. Also I know that I shower at a temperature much higher than I would let my bird come into contact with and if he touched the shower water he would likely be burned, in fact my bird if given the option much prefers a bath in cool to cold water. Also you may not realize it but the shower is probably one of the dirtier places in your house, even if cleaned regularily it can hold a lot of bacteria that could make your bird sick.

11-01-2008, 06:38 PM
I used to take Elmo in with me.. he would sit on my shoulder.. and the water spraying off my body would get him wet :)...
He fell quite a few times off my arms.. but sport has made my reflexes very sharp and I caught him every single time..

We have some railings in our shower as well and he used to sit on them when I needed both arms..

But I got told there are alot of germs in your shower.. no matter how good you clean it.. germs that lovebirds dont get exposed too in the wild and it's not good for them..

11-01-2008, 06:41 PM
Oh okay. So humans can take a shower and still be dirty? That's not very good =/

11-01-2008, 06:42 PM
Well, it is where you clean germs off yourself. . .

11-01-2008, 06:44 PM
Hmmmmmmmmm. interesting ;)
I won't put my bird in the shower. Maybe I'll just bring him by the shower and he can sit somewhere. I'll be careful.

11-01-2008, 06:59 PM
I would not recommend that. Members here probably remember when Eddie had lost all the feathers from around his eyes. I suspected PFBD, but it ended up being caused by the steam from the shower. City or town water contains so many chemicals that it had irritated his eyes.

Learn from my mistake. The 15 minute shower bonding time can be utilized sometime else.

11-01-2008, 07:09 PM
Okay, Then I won't bring my bird anywhere near the shower =]

11-01-2008, 08:43 PM
Also, think of the chemicals used to clean the shower.. exit mould is a stronngggggg chemical that makes me feel ill... imagine what itd do to your birdy..

plus you dont want any shampoo or conditioner or anything like that to your birdy.. what if they ingest it..

11-01-2008, 08:58 PM
Also, think of the chemicals used to clean the shower.. exit mould is a stronngggggg chemical that makes me feel ill... imagine what itd do to your birdy..

plus you dont want any shampoo or conditioner or anything like that to your birdy.. what if they ingest it..

No worry =] He'll stay in his cage when I'm in the shower =]