View Full Version : Onions?

07-30-2005, 07:08 PM
Are onions OK to give to lovebirds? Because my lovebird found a little bit of green onion and was chewing on it for about five minutes before i noticed and took it away. He seemed to have liked it, so is it ok to give him some more?

07-30-2005, 10:32 PM
Hey, If you look at "Your Attention Please" forum, this was formerly Useful Links. There are lists there of good vs. bad stuff, including food. I think onions are a no no, but like I said, go there and read (and read and read) -it's all really good information.

Probably the little green onion wouldn't be a problem, but better to be safe and check out the lists.

Added: yes, raw onions are a no no, but look here http://www.cottageworks.com/robinsnest/guide.htm#oxylates
for more comprehensive information.

07-31-2005, 02:24 PM
Onions can cause anemia or thin blood. This would only happen if birdie ate a lot or for a long time. Onions are not toxic, but it is not good for them.