View Full Version : wheer can i buy love bird food

11-05-2008, 07:50 AM
my local petshop have closed down, and my love bird is running low on food i am in the uk, she has enough for a few weeks yet bt i dont want to leave it till she has no food before i ask

is there a website in the uk that sell food, i am gunna try my local koi company who sell everything,but they are hard to get to any help would be great

11-05-2008, 09:20 AM
I don't have an answer for you, but sit tight. We have a few members in the UK who may be able to help you. I know Heather buys a lot of things on line so maybe she has a site for you or a store.


11-05-2008, 09:50 AM
hi you can buy a great selection from http://www.24parrot.com/ they do loads of other stuff nadn delivery is very prompt. I get a lot of things from them.

11-05-2008, 01:24 PM
thank you so much, i was getting worried if i get it now if its different i can wean him on it


is this ok i know it says love bird so it probs is but i ust like to be sure

11-05-2008, 02:01 PM
really ? so they can eat sunflaower seeds as well, because i thought because they are budgie sized they can only eat smaller seeds, ok looks like im gunna have to do more reaserch on food, i thought i had dne enough :(

11-05-2008, 02:09 PM
sunflower seeds can be fed but are very fattening, so use in moderation as a treat once a week just a few mixed in their normal feed, i would recomend that use feed a good mix of food to include cooked brown rice, pluses, sprouted seeds, as well as seeds, include fresh/cooked veg , fresh fruit but NOT avocado or onion. you can also buy the beak appetite from that site and cook it to feed, it freezes as well, check the ingredients and you can make your own after you feel more comfortable making ur own, You can also sprout sunflower seeds, mung beans, lentils, water cress, wheat grass, salflower seeds, millet, etc all better than just plain seeds. Check the library for more information and check out this site http://www.genesisaviaries.com/profilesLOVEBIRDS.html

11-05-2008, 02:37 PM
he was intersetd in my apple the otherday, and i was eating toast thinking he wouldnt bother me, and flew over and nibbled, i tend t just remover food as i dont want to give him anything bad,

coocked rice it has to be brown not white i culd do that

thank you

11-05-2008, 02:42 PM
apple is great, brown is better than white, more nutritional value, bread stuff best avoided if possible

11-05-2008, 02:49 PM
ok apple it is then :D ok next time i have toast i will keep mrs lovett in his cage lol,

i know that the pips and skin are not good for them, i peal the apple then grate it, i might buy some brown rice

he is into everything being a baby so i think he should pick up eating new foods quickly, i will hang it from the cage and put some in a bowl make it fun :D

11-05-2008, 02:51 PM
apple skin is fine, just the pips need to be taken out

11-05-2008, 02:57 PM
ok kl i ust ashumed because a love bird is smaller then a cockatile they couldnt eat as much, oh well looks like mrs lovett is gogin to get a diet revamp, i wil try and take pictures if i can of him tucking in :D

11-05-2008, 03:07 PM
kool, i usually cut a slic eof apple and chop it up in small pieces, same with carrot, brocoli,bell peppers oh and they love sweetcorn

11-05-2008, 03:13 PM
sweet corn is my fav too he will have to get in line lol,

11-05-2008, 03:22 PM

11-05-2008, 03:54 PM
really ? so they can eat sunflaower seeds as well, because i thought because they are budgie sized they can only eat smaller seeds, ok looks like im gunna have to do more reaserch on food, i thought i had dne enough :(

Sunflower seeds! Mine will do anything for these! Theyre like little drug addicts desperate to get to them when i get the pot out for their treat! Definately their favourite thing to eat! :D I use 24parrot too or ebay :D

11-05-2008, 04:25 PM
Here's another site that I have learned much from.


They have files, like here. And you can ask specific questions--as long as they are related to bird nutrition. I got good suggestions there about getting my birds to try foods that were good for them but that they wouldn't taste. Buddy (lovie) remains a picky eater but Gussie (conure) is now an eating machine. Wants to try anything & everything I'm eating. Today she discovered fresh cranberries, yesterday fresh pear, and the day before yesterday finally decided she'd eat cooked green beans--had only nibbled on the beans before but now they seem to have passed the taste test! She also likes her brown rice. She's a good little eater :happy:

11-05-2008, 09:04 PM
i find that sunflower seeds are a bit hard for elmo to crack, he can do it but it takes time.. i think he thinks the taste of the sunflower seeds is not worth the energy used to get there lol!!...

i know you can get bird seed in supermarkets here not sure in the uk.. but I find that if i give elmo seed from bird/pet stores compared to the supermarket seed he will only eat the petstore/birdstore seed.. and the supermarket seed is a "break the emergency glass when I am super hungry and the human hasn't topped the seed up since I have scoffed it all" (in saying that.. he doesn't eat all his seed.. just his favourite seeds *rolls eyes*)

11-07-2008, 04:23 PM
thank you :D i have tryed her on food i was eating and orange and she only nibbled if i was nibbling, can you imagine that lol and love bird hang off the end , sge still seems a bit shy lol

11-07-2008, 04:31 PM
she only nibbled if i was nibbling,

My lovie Bo used to help himself to whatever I was eating. I had to give him a slice of corn on the cob before I ate mine or he would run down my arm, sit on my hand, and nibble my corn. If I didn't give him his own bowl of pop corn, he'd jump right into my bowl. Buddy, too, prefers to eat while I am eating. She really thinks I should hold her dinner in the palm of my hand for her to eat, while I try to eat my dinner one-handed. She was a hand-fed baby. She is still a hand-fed adult :rofl:

11-07-2008, 05:34 PM
My lovie Bo used to help himself to whatever I was eating. I had to give him a slice of corn on the cob before I ate mine or he would run down my arm, sit on my hand, and nibble my corn. If I didn't give him his own bowl of pop corn, he'd jump right into my bowl. Buddy, too, prefers to eat while I am eating. She really thinks I should hold her dinner in the palm of my hand for her to eat, while I try to eat my dinner one-handed. She was a hand-fed baby. She is still a hand-fed adult :rofl:

Dittos favorite food bowl is my hand too! When we watch tv on the couch he almost always eats at least 1 avi-cake or nutriberry. Sometimes he'll fly back to the cage 2 or three times to grab a snack to bring over.

11-08-2008, 08:22 AM
aww bless them :D he did get anoyed when i put an orange bit through the cage, he shouted at me lol then when i chwed the ther end he went for it lol