View Full Version : new behavior...should I worry?

11-07-2008, 08:07 AM
so yesterday, joey was doing this funny looking dance, bobbing his head up and down like he was going to regurgitate for me, but nothing came out. And he did it again this morning in his cage, but he was so fluffed up. Is he sick? Should I take him to the vet again? I'm worried cuz now I'm at work and won't be home til around 4 or 5.

11-07-2008, 09:32 AM
Usually when lovebirds bobb their head up and down, its a clear signal their trying to respond towards a mate. Quite often you will notice them directing this towards some particular object such as your fingernails, TV remote, toy, etc. For the most part, this is visibly different in comparison to an ill bird who may be gasping or vomiting. As for puffing or fluffing up their feathers.... normally, birds will puff up "briefly" (give or take a couple seconds) as a way to arrange their feathers or maybe shake off a bit of excitement or stress. Anything longer than a few seconds would certainly raise some questions.

If you feel "something is just not right" or "out of place" about Joeys behavior, or there are any other changes such as fecal droppings or decrease in activity etc, do give your vet a call.

11-10-2008, 03:13 PM
he regurgitated for me just now.

11-10-2008, 03:21 PM
he regurgitated for me just now.

Sounds like someone has a boyfriend.......;)

Hey, at least he has good taste!

11-10-2008, 03:29 PM
Sounds like someone has a boyfriend.......;)

Hey, at least he has good taste!
Be thankful that Joey isn't a macaw! Dao will do the regurgitating thing for me on occasion and that's as far as I'm gonna go with it........:whistle:

11-10-2008, 05:23 PM
Be thankful that Joey isn't a macaw! Dao will do the regurgitating thing for me on occasion and that's as far as I'm gonna go with it........:whistle:

that must be alot of regurgitation... did you have your snorkel on?

11-10-2008, 07:27 PM
lol my uncles scarlet macaw tries to feed him, and his gaks are full of seeds, fruit and veggies and are as big as some lovebirds! lol

11-10-2008, 08:37 PM
lol my uncles scarlet macaw tries to feed him, and his gaks are full of seeds, fruit and veggies and are as big as some lovebirds! lol

Gross!!! hahaha:omg: