View Full Version : Looking forward to an experience like none other

11-07-2008, 10:27 PM
I found a male Eclectus that a woman was rehoming on CL. I just got off the phone after a two hour bird conversation (I was in heaven!:)). So, tomorrow I will get to have the experience of a lifetime: I am going to drive to her house and get to see not only an Ecletus, but African Greys, a B&G Macaw, caiques, and some cockatiels.

It is a two hour ride, but I think I would have to go all over tim-buck-too to find all those breeds under one roof. I need to see if I 1.) Like a big bird, or are scared 2.) Which kind of big bird might I like 3.) Decide if a second lovie is all I really need.

So, it should be interesting. The eclectus she is rehoming because she got him to breed with her female, and she did not do enough research ahead of time and it is too young for her hen. He is 5, and she is 15 years old. She got him a year ago from a home where the owner broke a hip and the daughter was not caring for him or the two cockatoos properly. So... I would be his third home.... IF I love him. Anyone know if Eddie would attack him? She says that he is very docile and she trusts him 100 % with her other birds. The caiques (which I thought I wanted) she said bite all her birds feet and are quite nasty.

So, Don't any of you worry, although I am grief-ridden... I will NOT make a decision hastily. Unless I am positive that my home is the best situation for me, and the bird... I won't do it.

Anyone have any experience with these? It is the Solomon Island variety.

11-07-2008, 10:36 PM
ohhhh.... an eclectus is my dream bird! my husband says "NO WAY" because anything bigger than a lovie is too scary big. Even a cockatiel... (sigh)... i've wanted an eclectus ever since i saw my first male. so pretty!

11-07-2008, 10:37 PM
Good luck tomorrow Laura. I have seen pictures of eclectus parrots and they are gorgeous. I feel a bit scared of bigger birds so I'm going to stick with lovies!

11-08-2008, 04:49 AM
I too am scared but this woman said I should be prepared to spend a long time at her house. She said that it is super important to see what kind of relationship we may have (the bird and I, not the woman:)), and make sure it is what I want. I think it will be good because she has so many other biggies too. I will be able to see what I would like, or see that I am too frightened!

11-08-2008, 05:23 AM
The expert for Eclectus is Carolyn Swicegood and here is the link to her website: http://www.landofvos.com Read through her site and glean what information you can find regarding the bird you are considering adding to your family.

Kudos to the woman for insisting that you spend time at her place to see how the bird reacts to you and how you react to the bird. A trial period with you might also be a good idea, as you have no big bird experience. Trust me. The bigger the bird, the more responsibility it involves. Eclectus require a specialized diet that is preservative free so that's also a consideration. I know a few of our community members are owned by Eclectus and, hopefully, they will chime in on this thread soon.

11-08-2008, 05:34 AM
That would be great, I'd love to hear from them. I knew they had a special diet. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies too. It would be a great excuse to eat healthier myself.

This woman also said she wouldn't mind holding the bird for me for a month (or 6 weeks) until my house is done. I was concerned of the stress of moving him twice. She said whatever was best for the bird she would do. So... she sounds responsible. We'll see, I may not be ready, but it would be nice to interact with all this giants!

I will read up on that website Linda. I need to now as much as I can so that I can be sure I know what I am getting into.

Hmm..... there are a lot of broken keys on this laptop.... wonder who is responsible for that? Eddddddddieeeee!

11-08-2008, 06:23 AM
Sounds like you may have found a responsible bird owner who is concerned with the welfare of her birds! That's a rare thing, indeed, in today's society where money and monetary gain are the norm! If it's right, you will know it. If not, it's best for you and the bird to pass, at least for now. Not every bird is the right one for every situation.

One thing you can take to the bank from me. I will not lie to you. You may not like what I have to say or the way I say it, but what I tell you is from my own personal experience. If I don't have personal experience with a particular bird or situation, I will either tell you so or refer you to someone that I know who has.

11-08-2008, 06:40 AM
Good advice. I figured if it was right, I would know. I would not go for it if I was at all on the fence.

I would love to hear from the Eclectus owners. I was wondering if it is possible that Eddie and an Eclectus could have supervised out of the cage time. This woman said the Ekkie is kind to all the birds she has. He is very laid back. Now a lovie.... that may be different. At least size is on the Eclectus' side. A toe bite on a big toe isn't as bad. I am thinking Eddie is lonely and may like a friend, but maybe a different species wouldn't be recognized as a bird by a lovie. I would love to know if anyone has any experience with this.

I can always get a DNA'd male friend lovie for Eddie. Linda..... got any? My sister lives in Daytona Beach, I could have her bring one home next time she comes to vistit :)

11-08-2008, 06:53 AM
I have my 2 Creamino preening machines that are both hens. I'm not that far from Daytona Beach so that's a possibility.

A friendship between Eddie and any other bird is not something that can be expected. Birds form their own bonds and you never know who is going to get along with who. One bite from a larger bird and a lovebird can be dead very quickly. You would not be fast enough to stop it. None of my larger parrots have any interest in my lovebirds and I'm very careful when the lovies are out or their cages that the parrots are inside of theirs! Even landing on a parrot cage can cost a limb, if not a life.

11-08-2008, 07:48 AM
Yes, I had heard that about bites from parrots. I would be very careful. IF I ever get one.

I was hoping for a boy friend for Eddie Linda. Have any?

11-08-2008, 07:58 AM
Guess my eyes must be playing tricks on me today! I looked at what you wanted and I read female..... :(

I have several genetically sexed young males that are OF Green. They are parent raised (not tame) but the parents produce very nice babies with pleasant personalities. The mother is an OF Lutino and the male is OF Green/ino/cinnamon/Opaline. Each time the male passes the ino gene, I get a visual Lutino that can be either male or female. Visual green babies from this pairing are all genetically males. I know dad is split for cinnamon, as well as Opaline, as I've had visual females in both mutations.

11-08-2008, 10:17 AM
Wow, you are the lovebird scientist!

I would love a friendly male if you have one. How far from Daytona are you?

11-08-2008, 11:15 PM
....She said that it is super important to see what kind of relationship we may have ...

That's great that she is willing to do that. So very important and shows that she cares for her birds. Good luck and let us know who you brought home :) Ekkies are cool looking parrots, but I have never got to know any closer.

(the bird and I, not the woman>>>


Pips mom
11-09-2008, 12:03 AM
Wow, that's a long drive you are taking, two hours. I am about two hours away from you, maybe a little more, are you coming in my direction??
I have had the pleasure of meeting a male eclectus. Ivy's previous owner has one and he was very sweet. I have seen a female too being boarded at a pet store where Pip came from and where I get their millet. The females are so beautiful it almost takes your breath away! It's really nice to be able to go and see all of these birds in one place......I had the same luck of being able to do that.....just as a visit to a friend. She raises green cheek and sun conures and she has a few macaws, two african greys, an amazon, and a bunch of conures. Her amazon was just the cutest thing....he was talking the whole time, saying.....Hi, I love you, and hey baby! He also still calls out his previous owner's name who died in the world trade center......kinda sad, but he seemed like a happy bird.
I already know that I am kind of afraid of bigger birds. Ivy's size is ok, her beak is actually not much smaller than an african grey's, but Ivy is always very gentle with me and she gets all bitey sometimes with me, but they are always very gentle, playful bites that don't hurt at all. I even let her put her beak in my face, she will beak at my nose and my mouth sometimes and want to get in my face and I totally trust that she would never hurt me. I already knew that I wanted Ivy before I even saw her. This was the type of bird I had wanted for some time and waited for because they are hard to come by around here. I also talked to her owner for a good hour or more before going to get her, but it was already decided that I was going to take her before we got there. Her previous owner was a very nice person.....I really liked her! and she was even crying when we were getting ready to go. She had two female lovies that were the sweetest little things and they were riding around on me for the longest time! We were there for quite some time, and her flock looked very happy and healthy! She had a huge bird room with all windows around it, and every birdie thing imaginable! unfortunately her flock seemed to be a bit overwheming for Ivy and she felt that Ivy was being stressed out all the time and just not fitting in with them, and she felt that Ivy would be happier in a calmer environment with less birds! It's true that pionus tend to be a calmer bird, more laid back, and I do see Ivy get all worked up when the tiels get loud!
You'll enjoy your visit there anyway, no matter what happens! I really enjoyed going to birdie wonderland at Ivy's previous home and at my friend Laurie's. Laurie had baby conures and I got to see the babies!
Ok, well enjoy and let us know how it goes!

11-09-2008, 12:32 AM
Wow, you are the lovebird scientist!

I would love a friendly male if you have one. How far from Daytona are you?

Laura. I know you would like a male, but I would consider one of Linda's females. I have several sweet females that are even great if they are on eggs, and I really wouldn't trade them for anything. Some hens can take some adjustment but if things work out, Eddie would be blissful and that's what really matters. Same sex birds can have great relationships, and some even intimate, but more times than not they do prefer the opposite sex for lifemates. If you don't want babies, then you just boil the eggs and return them if they even lay, and you are diligent enough to deal with it. I think this might be something that is even more important if you are serious about getting a larger bird anytime soon.

I've had limited experience with eclectus. I have a friend who has one who raised it from an egg she was given by chance. He is sweet but definately needs a special diet and attention.

Good Luck!

11-09-2008, 07:01 AM
Thanks for the replies guys, Yes Laura, maybe a female would be what is best for Eddie.

I would love a Linda baby but had my heart kind of set on a blue or green or one with a "peachface". Selfish of me, isn't it?

As to the trip to the bird woman's house, after spending four hours on her couch with this bird, I left a deposit. I have 24 hours to change my mind, I just need to do a little research about a couple of things. Both her Eclectus could not fly although not clipped. They also seemed to not have the best balance when moving up a slippery arm, they seemed to move awkwardly. She said they can't fly because the muscles have atrophied from lack of excersise, and that the breed isn't known to be good fliers. I will need to check up on that.

I also think that the bird is not receiving the proper diet. Although he had beautiful feathers, normal looking beak (maybe a tad long) and clear eyes, I do not think she has been feeding him the amount of fruits and vegetables this breed requires. They have long digestive tracts and therefore need extra fiber. I even saw the woman's boyfriend feeding the birds white bread! Eeekkkk!

So, I know I wasn't going to "rescue" anything else, but I think that this breed gives me the "big" bird experience, but they are more quiet, docile and less destructive than many other breeds I had been considering.

She got him 9 months ago for $750, and that was what she was asking. He was supposed to be a breeder for her other Eclectus, but their age difference made the female dislike him. Also, the male is a Solomon Island, and hers is a Vos. I offered $695 with a clause that he must pass a vetting (funny how a few dollars under $700 made me feel like he was so much cheaper). So, I think I didn't get taken. (I hope) She said what was best for the bird was most important.

He was a little hand shy at first, but in watching her handle her birds, she is a little rough. She flips them around and asks them to step up onto an unstable hand. I think that the way he has been handled may be making him like this. In the time I spent there he did seem to warm up to me, and never bit. He did "beak" my nose, ears fingers and neck, but never hard. He was gentle. I was terrified at first, but by the time I left there, I wasn't scared to put my face right in his.

I got home (after completely changing and washing up of course) I took Eddie out to say good night, and he felt sooooo tiny! So lightweight and adorable. Although I want a big bird, I do really think that there is no bird on earth like a lovie. Eddie has such a personality that he is the most special bird in the world to me. So, I want to make sure that he stays safe, finds himself with no less time with me because of the new bird, and has the most fulfilling life he can have. Because, the reality is that the Eclectus will be (god willing) with me until I die, and Eddie has a relatively short life here on earth, so I want it to be as happy, and fulfilling as possible. So.... maybe a female is in order.... hmm..... ;)