View Full Version : New Babies!!!!!!!

07-31-2005, 11:23 AM
I've got two new babies.....baby boys! They are just precious and I can't figure out how to do photos on this forum. Darn! That's what happens when you're old and you haven't done something in a long time. Anyhow, I'll figure it out.

I picked them up yesterday afternoon from the breeder, "Rubygem", who is a new member of our forum. It was so much fun to get to meet many of her other lovies, conuers and especially the boss lady, her gorgeous Macaw. Quarantine will be the death of me and I'm less than 24 hours in....:lol. Oliver KNOWS that there is "something" new in the house and he heard them yesterday afternoon. He has always been my little velcro boy but now, he freaks if he's not on me every second. He doesn't want nothing but momma!

The babies are beautiful and cuddly. They seem to adore each other and tolerate me! :D One is a WF Blue, single factor violet and the other is a WF Violet, single dark factor (White face cobalt violet). Their hatch dates were 5/26 and 5/28 and they have an appt. with my avian vet tomorrow morning. When I checked on them last night at about 8:00, the were sharing a toilet paper roll, head inside and little butts coming out on each end. TOO CUTE! :) They took their very own bath today! This is all new (and exciting) for me since Oliver is not exactly a typical lovebird. I really did NEED ANOTHER PARROT so I got two and now, I DO NOT NEED ANOTHER PARROT! :D

07-31-2005, 11:52 AM

Congratulation on your new two additions! I can't wait to see pictures. You have names for them yet?
I'm sure Oliver will be excited once he gets to meet them.

I think you do SO need one ( or two or even three) more parrot. You have the love bug right now but I'm sure you'll get the baby bug soon :D.

07-31-2005, 12:00 PM
I got a call from Janie last night and she was SOOOOO excited! :happy: I knew last week she was going to pick them up cause the DNA came back and they were the boys she wanted. I can't wait to see them. They are so precious at that age. Just little balls of fluff and chirpy too.

I can just picture those little featherbutts sticking out of the toiletpaper roll - TOO CUTE! Hurry and post all the 100's of pictures you have Janie! :lol

07-31-2005, 12:05 PM
Hi Janie and congrats on the 2 new baby lovies! They sound adorable! Oliver is #1 lovebird in your house and he just needs some reassurance that his status has not changed.

Just a word of safety and caution. Be very careful when using cardboard paper rolls with your birds. The glue is not safe for them if they chew up the tube and the tubes need to be very short. Lovebirds don't know how to back up and if they go inside the tube and can't get out the other side (another lovebird going the opposite direction that can't back up, either), they can die in there. Cozies are much safer.

07-31-2005, 12:19 PM
I bought Molly one of these and we still play with it. You can find it in the hamster/gerbil section at Petco. They come in three different sizes and are made of vegatable paper.


You chose color & size. Molly loves it still! :D

07-31-2005, 01:03 PM

I have to admit, I tried my best to wait till a decent hour this morning to call Janie and get the skinny first hand about her new babies. They are just adorable, and have the sweetest little faces. I'm not sure, but I'm almost positive Janie will be kissing those little feather butts all day :happy:

Congrats on the new babies Janie. I know how excited you are, as I could hear the "happy" in your voice. Enjoy those new babies :)

07-31-2005, 02:35 PM

Welcome to the Bright-side! Lovies lovies lovies!!!!

07-31-2005, 06:02 PM

Thank you for that word of advice about the carboard rolls, but I will say that my guys do know how to crawl through and back out of the rolls, because I have watched them do this a number of times. I have a pallidino on hold for another breeder, and that bird sleeps in his roll. I have never had any problems with the rolls and the birdies yet, and I have given them the unsented rolls to play with every since I have had lovies. :confused: I don't leave them in there until they are destroyed though, as the birds are great at pooping on them, and I don't like it to stay in the cage too long for sanatary reasons. But I will take note on what you have shared, and will keep a closer eye on all the cages that have the rolls in the future :D


07-31-2005, 06:07 PM

I'm so glad you are having a great time watching the babies act like babies. Isn't it just too cute when they are in the roll - butts sticking out and all :p .

Don't forget to give me a call after you visit Sheperds office. I'm dieing to know what Sheperd's office has to say about my babies, since I see Wilson from Athans. :whistle:

Enjoy, I know they are in the perfect home. ;)


07-31-2005, 06:27 PM
I've never lost a lovebird to a paper roll accident but I had a close friend that did. She gave the babies a paper towel core and didn't notice that one was missing. It was too late by the time she found it.

Invariably, paper rolls that I've given my lovies end up in the water dish, just like everything else!! The glue is the problem so I just avoid the rolls.

07-31-2005, 11:25 PM
Lovebirds don't know how to back up and if they go inside the tube and can't get out the other side (another lovebird going the opposite direction that can't back up, either), they can die in there. Cozies are much safer.

I have seen my Lovies crawl out backwards.....i don't give mine tiolet rolls though as i have heard they contain zinc. I give my Lovebirds large cardboard tubes that don't contain zinc.

07-31-2005, 11:26 PM
Sorry, i forgot to add,

Janie, congrats on the new birds, i have seen the pics of them and they are absolutely beautiful