View Full Version : stupidest question, but i have to ask...

11-12-2008, 11:42 PM
1- if a lovie yawns like 25times in 1mins no joke ive never saw my last lovie yawn like kiwi does is that normal? kiwi just cant stop yawning!! supper tired i guess? nothing to worrie about i know i just have to make sure with my silly question :blush:

2-ive been seening kiwi nostril a lot lately, im getting worrie kiwi getting sick. but it only been wet 1x that was like 3weeks ago. just dont want to get another sick ill birdy :confused: it dry now but i heard kiwi sneeze.

3-i feel supper bad about leaving for work, cuz i have to turn the heat down or i cant a ford rent, i mean there still heat and u can feel warmth but you can tell its almost cold in here, i feel bad. i guess maybe thats why kiwi is ALWAY in the happy hut when i get home, also its so dark in here!!!! like today i came home and i forgot to open the blinds it was pitch black.... and i mean its getting darker earlyer that it wont be that bright during the day. i duno what to do i dont want kiwi to get sad that we leave and leave kiwi in the dark :( poor kiwi

4-kiwi must be hitting teen years cuz kiwi isnt really a biter with that being said kiwi had bitten me and nibbled me not meaning to bite me but it seams kiwi is becoming a biter the last few days(but its not like 24/7 more like 15min ago) kiwi just out of the blue started bitting my fingers SO hard then i try to pet kiwi and kiwi would go after my finger where 1min before i could have pet kiwis little head but im thinking part has to do age or i mean months old... kiwi around 5.5/6mths now :confused:

but on the plus side i can pet kiwi little face now!!!! before id try and kiwi feather were pin down so i couldnt really pet kiwi... ever since i left for 4nights and kiwi was left with justin(my bf) and i got home kiwi let me like saying heyyy i really missed hangout with you... as i type kiwi is a BIG fluff ball on my keyboard as i type... oh and ive had kiwi for 1mth and 2weeks and a day! oh and it looks like kiwi's orange is getting more(Slowy) and brighter and little feathers here and there on the bottom of the cage and bars! :happy: exciting time....