View Full Version : March of the Penguins

07-31-2005, 05:38 PM
Has anyone seen this movie? I saw it today and bawled through the entire thing :( . Did you know that mommy and daddy penguins have to take turns walking 70 miles just to get from the breeding ground, which is inland, to the ocean for food? They live such a tough life all around. They actually showed babies freezing to death and the mommies "crying". I couldn't take it. I embarrased my husband as we walked out...when he asked me if I liked it (our kids sat between us) I started crying all over again!! It was beautifully photographed and all but geez! I don't know... maybe it was just me. I didn't hear anyone else sniffling :rolleyes:....

Buy A Paper Doll
07-31-2005, 05:42 PM
No, I haven't seen it, but based on what you're saying, I won't be able to. I'd bawl through the whole thing.

07-31-2005, 06:22 PM
Kim: I haven't seen it yet but am trying to get to town to. I heard it's wonderful and though I know it will be sad I can't wait.

08-05-2005, 09:53 PM
I was going to go see it tomorrow. I don't think I'm going to now. I got too emotional the other day when there was a sick crow in the grass outside my office window. If I couldn't handle that, I won't be able to handle baby penguins freezing to death. God bless their little hearts.

08-05-2005, 10:02 PM
I haven't seen it yet but I am going to see it. Even my sister, a non animal lover, called me to say how wonderful it is. I can't wait. Since I am an avid back yard birder, I know that nature can be very difficult and hard to watch (sometimes) but still, it is nature and I want to see it. I hope to see it this week end if I can manage to leave my lovies for that long!

08-06-2005, 10:48 AM
Don't get me wrong..it was a beautifully shot and amazing movie. For some reason I just went through an entire "pocket pack" of Kleenex. Maybe it's because I'm switching my AD meds around...oops, wrong board :rofl:

08-06-2005, 10:55 AM
Nature is a very hard thing to watch at times. I, too, get very upset when I see certain things. Each time I go to the Eaglecam, I pray that everything is OK with the occupants of that nest.

08-06-2005, 11:30 AM
I've heard the movie is sad but I'm happy to go see it and it keeps getting closer to my house so I'm probably going tomorrow. I'm always changing my mind about nature. Sometimes it seems so cruel, but when I think about the sad and very very very cruel things done to all living creatures by humans and mostly done unnecissarily I begin to think nature really isn't all that cruel. Nature is often swift and unforgiving but very objective and often with a higher purpose.

I still plan on shedding a few tears

08-29-2005, 07:25 PM
Finally, I saw it! What a wonderful movie! Yes, it's harsh in places but that is nature. To think that these birds do this every single year, over and over.....:omg:.....in my next life, I do NOT want to come back as a Penguin! They have earned my total respect! My husband cried! I did not but there were scenes that pulled my heart stings to the limit. This is a nature lovers movie at it's best. :)

01-08-2006, 07:28 PM
I finally saw this movie, and it is amazing. Very educational, sad at moments, but the miracle of life these creatures manage is unimagineable. I am in awe of them.

I only need two Kleenex's, but I think I smiled more than I cried. Have I said yet how amazing they are???:)

01-08-2006, 08:30 PM
I saw it a few weeks ago. Definitely good, but very tragic.

01-09-2006, 05:50 PM
I've not seen the movie yet...with a bunch of little ones to handfeed at home, the social life takes a beating...oh wait, I don't have a social life anymore.:wink: I did know about the hardships the penguins go through to feed and keep their babies alive. A few years ago I watched a documentary about them and they are amazing creatures.

01-09-2006, 06:28 PM
My daughter and I watched this movie the Saturday before Christmas...
We were both completely enthralled in the film until the very end. It brought a few tears to our eyes, some laughs and giggles...and a lot of knowledge and newfound respect for these black and white bowling pins:)
I lost the bet, I thought the movie would be a snoozefest...so long my $20 ~~~


01-12-2006, 01:32 AM
We just got it in the mail (Netflix) the other day and are gonna be watching it soon. We will chime in again after we see it.

03-19-2006, 01:32 AM
I know it has been a while since this post, but i just watched this movie tonight. Some parts were so sad, i couldn't watch the frozen babies, or the mom getting attacked by a seal. I couldn't handle the poor mom who lost her baby after the first big storm once the babies hatched, that was just sooo sad. But overall what an absolutely beautiful movie. The whole thing just blew me away. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like in IMAX. I just had to share since not many people i know will appreciate it like those on this board. :D

03-19-2006, 08:34 AM
Mandy, oddly enough, everyone I've spoken to (NON bird people) all loved this movie. My sister, a non animal person, :lol, called me the day she saw it to tell me I just had to see it! I asked her why she saw it! :D Anyway, it is nature at it's best and worst. I am the bird freak in this family and did not shed a tear, maybe because I've observed nature at it's best and worst in my own back yard, but my hubby did cry. I always liked penguins before I saw the movie but now they are at the top of my "respect and admiration" list. :)