View Full Version : Help! Can I control the chirping????

11-13-2008, 07:56 AM
My friends just bought me a couple lovebirds and they are great. I live in an apartment building though and these birdies chirp loud! I've figured out that putting a blanket over them quiets them down but I can't do this all the time... they are smart creatures and it's not fair to them. Am I doomed to finding them a new owner or is there something I can do to contain their chirps?

11-13-2008, 08:08 AM
Before you consider finding a new home for your birds I would check with the neighbors to see if they are bothered by the chirping. The sounds of birds chirping doesn't bother some people.

I don't think there is a way to get them to be quiet except to cover them up so it is dark. But, doing that every day is not good for them.

Maybe your neighbors will not mind as long as you cover the birds in the evening so they are not keeping people awake, or waking them up too early each morning either.

Good luck.

11-13-2008, 09:46 AM
I agree check with your neighbours first to see if it bothers them , and as to what you can do to stop them, simple answer is nothing, birds chirp, dogs bark, fish swim thats the way nature intended it to be; :whistle: Covering them constantly would not be advisable, expect at night when putting them to bed.

11-13-2008, 09:54 AM
Are you surrounded by neighbors on all sides? Can you put the cage near a wall that does not adjoin a neighbor's apartment? You can also hang padding (blanketing or something quilted) from that wall to help muffle the sounds.

If your neighbors all work during the day, chances are they won't be home to be bothered by your birds. It's the neighbor who works the night shift, or the retired elderly neighbor, who might complain.

All lovies make some noise, and they can be quite piercing. FWIW, I find that my birds get louder when they hear the TV, than when they don't.

You could also send a nice little note to all your immediate neighbors, letting them know that you have these birds and if the noise bothers them, to please come to see you. That way you might find a solution before it goes to the owners.

11-13-2008, 10:10 AM
Thanks all for the replies. I just changed their food and water and they chirped away... I don't think they were hand trained. And right now I've got them in the sunlight and they love it which makes me not want to cover them. The neighbors are on all sides and walls are thin/sound travels well here. They're such cool birds I don't want to have to give them back.:(

11-13-2008, 10:22 AM
Try hanging a curtain rod on the wall behind their cage, and hang the heaviest curtains you can get. It also give you the illusion of a window inside, and a little more texture on the wall. :)

11-13-2008, 10:39 AM
I was terrified my neighbors at my old place would be upset with my three birds. I asked them constantly if they were bothered and each time they said they didn't mind at all. Even Apple's once in a while "jungle screams" didn't bother them, one neighbor thought it was the scrub jays! Another pointed out, too, that unlike dogs, the birds also were quiet when it counted--between 8 PM and dawn to 8AM (and when most apartment/community noise ordinances are in effect). In my new place, I can't even hear them outside unless the windows are open (mine are open all the time when I am at home) but so far my neighbors make far more noise 24 hours a day with barking dogs, squabbling kids, bass speakers, etc. than my birds.

I have also come home at various times since moving here since I am still concerned about the birds settling in/being okay/making noise--and have been pleasantly surprised (after being scared something was wrong) that my birds have been quiet and content (at least while I am away at work) so far in the new apartment.

I think sometimes the really shrill, high pitched, repeated monotone notes they get into every so often get on MY nerves more than the neighbors! And Tourmaline and Yellow Bird are just trying to tell me they are bored to death, tired of being good, and want out for some death and destruction--er, I mean playtime--after being home and cooped up all day.

Just make sure they have plenty to play with or chew on, leave on some music or TV, and when you are home, leaving them OUT of the cage also helps to quiet them--at least in my case. I set up a playgym in front of my deck doors and there is peace and quiet (just comfortable soft chirps, clicks, and a flock call or two) from the time I come home from work until nighty night birdie time.

Pips mom
11-13-2008, 12:17 PM
I also have noticed that having the TV on and the volume affect my birds sound level, so either keeping the volume lower or no TV on can make a difference. Also....yeah, Pip only gets noisey now when he is in his cage and wants out, or when he's joining in the yelling of the rest of the crew! Pip also was quite noisey when we first got him, until he was settled in and used to his new home, so if you haven't had them long, then they may calm down once they feel more at home there. I can hear Pip's chirps outside when I get out of my car in the driveway, so they can be pretty loud for such small birds! plus their chirps can be ear piercing! Really though, the noise shouldn't be too bad in a closeby appartment. I have a neighbor who has a cockatoo and I can hear that cockatoo over here when I'm outside, and even in my house on a nice summer day with windows open....but it never bothers me to hear a bird from over here.......I just think how loud that must be in their house!! I love hearing the neighbors bird! and most people I think don't really mind it......besides, you have to hear the birds outside and they can be loud at times too!

11-13-2008, 12:26 PM
A cheap way to increase your sound proofing, in addition to wall hangings, is to attach pressed-paper egg cartons, hole side facing down, to the ceiling. I've had families w/ special-needs children who are super sound sensitive, use this method successfully.

11-13-2008, 05:12 PM
I have lived in a few basement apartments with my landlords right upstairs. And they said that they missed the birds chirping after I moved out!!:omg:

11-13-2008, 06:29 PM
Are they chirping or screaming? When do they chirp/scream? In the afternoons? In the mornings? At particular times? I agree with pip with the tv.. if people are laughing on tv, elmo yells at them!

normally when my lovie screams or chirp when he want something or they hear birds outside. how many toys do you have in their cage? do they get out of cage time?

when I first got elmo, for the first couple of month he was very loud and would yell at everything but I found as time went on and he begun to trust me and have a half bond with me, he only screams when somethings wrong (generally when he wants to sit on me and bite me) or if there are birds around as I said before. how long have you had them for?

11-14-2008, 07:33 AM
I would say to cover them at night to make sure they stay quiet when people need to sleep.

I personally would NOT ask the neighbours if they are bothered by the noise. That just advertises the birds' presence and encourages the neighbours to listen out for them. You may have neighbours who are slightly annoyed, but who may well not complain if the noise is not actually that bad. If you encourage them to complain - they probably will.

If they complain of their own volition then try to work with them - find out what times they find the noise particularly irritating and see if it is realistic to cover them at those times.

You might also try leaving a radio on for them - the background noise could make them quieter. Of course it could also stimulate them to make more noise, so you will just have to experiment.

11-18-2008, 02:54 PM
I too live in a apartment and I honestly have come to discover that we always think they are louder than they are because we are in the same room or apartment with them.

I have really great neighbors. There are three of us on this floor who own parrots of some type, and two on the floor beneath me.
When I first got lovebirds I though Oh wow the neighbors will surely hear that and complain.

However I asked one of my neighbors do you hear birds in your apartment and she started getting apologetic I could not figure out why.
Come to find out She was worried I heard her birds and was about to complain, and at the same time I feared she heard mine. :rofl:

Needless to say neither heard the others birds and we are next to one another.

Now I do hear all the birds in the building in Summer when I walk around outside with the dog. That is because the windows are open before we turn on the AC for the heat though.

I also hear the one neighbors because it is in the front room near her door so when she opens the door he calls to her.

I guess what I am getting at is that it may not even be that noticeable in the neighbors homes so unless someone does complain I would not worry about it.

Now if it is a noise that bothers you this is another story. There is no stopping or training not to make noise for any bird. The only bird I have ever heard that was semi quiet is Canaries.