View Full Version : Um . . . Reassurance?

11-14-2008, 11:57 AM
This probably can be construed as very whiny to some, but . . . I'm getting my lovebird tomorrow . . . is there any chance she ISN'T going to die because of me? :rotfl

I've just been reading everything I can in an attempt to cram something more into my mind before I pick her up . . . and it seems like everything is going to kill her. I'll definitely be just as careful as I can be, but I don't want to end up one of those owners who "just didn't know".

I guess I'm just curious if anyone else ever feels daunted by the volume of dangers.

11-14-2008, 12:29 PM
umm mine are all still alive lol, just use common sense really a few months ago my cockatiel got a fight out side the cage and flew in to a dark bathroom, i ran in turned the light on could see or hear him, i was panicked found him in the loo :( he was fine i got him out wrapped him up cuddled him he is still fine,

i am sure you will be fine, don't forget pictures :D, just remember t shut doors keep them in one room if you can with windows and doors shut and cover mirrors, as for deodorants jst use them in a another room i do and my birdies are just fine :D i promise you you wont kill your bird

11-14-2008, 05:42 PM
oh yes, close lid on toilet. keep all eyes on them. you'll be fine :)

11-14-2008, 05:52 PM
I guess I'm just curious if anyone else ever feels daunted by the volume of dangers.

If you were to think about it, you would be even more daunted by the volume of dangers in your own life. To quote Monk's theme song: "This world you love so much might just kill you": :rofl: So just use common sense, take normal precautions, and then let denial take over :whistle: Think of it as desensitization therapy for when you have real kids and really have something to worry about. You can't lock them up in cages to keep them safe :rotfl

11-14-2008, 07:25 PM
Everytime I come home and I wake up in the morning I pray that Elmo is still alive, he always he is. I am a worrier..

I think the main things you need to worry about is smells around the house NO TEFLON near birds..we got rid of all of our teflon pans and use stainless steel instead, which I have found is better for cooking with. No sprays near birds at all, no perfume, no deodorant, no any unnatural smells.. esp no bug spray!

Make sure all windows are shut if they to fly around. I would keep doors closed to rooms you dont want them to go into. No chewing on house potplants.

erm.. thats all I can think of at the moment im sure someone will add what im missing.

11-14-2008, 08:09 PM
I get more hurt and nearly die more often them my birds youll be fine lol

11-15-2008, 01:54 AM
I wake up every morning and lie in my bed and wait to hear Ammy screaming, Haku chirping, and Evie yelling my name. I obsess morning, noon and night about whether they are okay, while they eat me out of house and home. I worry about whether they are safe while I embark on my 2 hour journey to school, while they are at home and I am on the road, which I sometimes forget is way more dangerous. I tell my boyfriend that my pets gave me ocd, now I have to check and double check every cage door, latch, food door, etc. I've stopped wearing dangly earrings, and polishing my nails. I yell at my father for eating avocadoes or chocolate anywhere on the compound.

I have to make sure there are no electrical cords near anyone's cage, or that there is nothing sharp in their general vicinity. i sit and watch Ammy do absolutely nothing except itch, eat, and yell nonsense for hours because I am afraid that he will hurt himself if I don't watch him like a hawk. Oh god, reference to hawk, yet another thing to be afraid of. And cats, and super- huge rats, and stray dogs... I worry about whether Ammy will attack the rabbit, or if Haku will attack Oki.... How on earth will I manage when I have children, I have no idea. I will probably go quite insane.

So long story short, dieflying, you are not alone... :)

11-15-2008, 02:27 AM
i love monk , mum said its like wathcing me lol i suffer ocd :D but my birds are nice a clean not to mention i have antibac hand gel lol

i am sure you will be fine

11-15-2008, 06:33 AM
It is great that you have been doing research on how to care for your new lovie. Armed with some knowledge, you should be fine. Remember, we are here to help you too.

I remember when I first got my birds, I was paranoid that something would happen to them. Sadly, one of my birds did pass away last year, after I had her for 13.5 years. I still have my precious Squeaky who has been in my home for over 14.5 years now! If I can do it, anyone can.

Enjoy getting your new lovebird today! :)

11-15-2008, 07:03 AM
Thanks everyone . . . the saddest part to me is that I don't worry too much about kids. . . I guess that will change when we DO have kids, I'll worry about everything. I just like to think I won't! :)

I got worried about the lovie because I've had a few birds and they've all unfortunately gone on to the Bridge before their time. So I just worry. I guess at least now I know what to look out for!

Today's the day! I'm very excited because I've been waiting a few months for the birds to get old enough. I'll try to post some pictures once she's home.

11-15-2008, 09:22 AM
No worries; she won't die on you. I've been playing with her all morning, getting my last loves in on her before she heads home with you. Unfortunately for me, all she wants to do is get down into every dark hole and nook, happily exploring - until the cockatoos start screaming at her, sending her into a panic as she runs the other way... :rofl:

She loves to explore and check things out, but she isn't real brave. Just don't sit on her while she is digging in your couch cushions and you'll be fine. :)

See you when you get here!

- Eric