View Full Version : Outside! :)

Buy A Paper Doll
07-31-2005, 08:15 PM
Hubby and I wheeled M&M's cage outside on the front walk so that birdies could enjoy some fresh air this evening while I puttered in the yard a bit.

They have a grand old time outside, especially now that their cage is high enough that they can see up and down the street. They chirp to hear themselves chirp, watch the BIG birdies (airplanes) fly over, and scream at cars that drive by. Melody even got the chance to chase a buggie that found its way in the cage :x but it got away from her (thank goodness).

Can't wait for some nicer weather so I can do this with them more often.

08-01-2005, 08:32 AM
I love taking my birdies outside. :) This week I might be able to take the B-boys out in their weaning cage, with Bosco and Betty in their cage for moral support.

08-01-2005, 02:14 PM
Jennifer, Oliver would rather be outside than anyplace else! He spends his days on the screened in back porch in good weather and when I'm walking my dog, I can hear him whistling and talking to the back yard birds 5 houses away! :D If I give him a call back (one that he's used to from me) he really goes to town trying to locate his momma. :)

08-01-2005, 08:56 PM
Hey, Amanda
That's neat! I have a screened in lanai so I can take my birds outside without too much worry but I have a pool out there, too, so I have to make sure my cages are escape-proof outside.

I'm also very leary about taking any of my birds outside when mosquitos are active. Pinellas County (next county over) just had 2 more diagnosed cases of West Nile Virus. That makes a total of 3 this week.