View Full Version : Prayers needed - fires in So. Calif

11-16-2008, 09:33 AM
I woke up this morning to an eerie orange glow outside. We are about 4 miles from the Brea fire. The amount of ash in the air looks like a light snow is falling. We can't open any windows because the smell of smoke is too strong. I am concerned for my flock and am trying my best to keep the house closed up. I have several close friends who have been evacuated, and their homes are in danger or worse (may already be lost). My concerns for my home and flock pale in comparison to what they are dealing with. Please pray for all those affected by these fires and pray for the firefighters. Thank you!

11-16-2008, 09:38 AM
You are definately in our prayers! How large is your flock? Any chance of moving them to a friend who is further away, till the air gets healthier? At least the wild birdies can fly away to where the air is clear. Hopefully it is late enough in the year so there aren't a lot of baby birds trapped in their nests. This it truly a terrible thing!

11-16-2008, 09:59 AM
This was on the news in England, people being asked to leave their homes with no time to get anything :( , I hope you, your birds and everybody stays safe.

11-16-2008, 11:01 AM
I know a number of breeders in your area and my thoughts and prayers have been with all of you for several days now. When in doubt, pack up the flock and high tail it out of Dodge. Possessions can be replaced. Not so with humans and live creatures.

Stay safe and let us know how everything is going.

11-16-2008, 11:28 AM
Prayers to you and everyone affected.

Fire is scary, and I hope it is exinguished soon.


11-16-2008, 01:13 PM
Thank you for your concern & prayers. There is not much chance of us being evacuated. We live in the middle of the city and the areas affected are mostly the communities that border the hills. The thought of having to load up my family of six and my zoo (3 dogs, 4 birds, 2 chinchilla's, and 4 lizards) makes my head spin. Thankfully, we won't have to. Our concerns are minor in comparison to some.

Thanks again!!

11-18-2008, 01:48 PM
Jayne... any updates?