View Full Version : Kiss or bite?

11-19-2008, 07:10 PM
Okay so I give my lovebird kisses sometimes on his beak but he doesn't give them back often. Then yesterday he started this thing where he would bite my lip and it hurt. I don't know if he is kissing me or trying to chew my lip off :rofl:. Anyone's bird do this??

11-19-2008, 07:46 PM
joey will bite my lip but that's rare. he usually does it when he's hyper and hopping around on me. Otherwise he loves to give kisses, in fact, to the point of annoyance. Like tonight, I just wanted him to stop giving me kisses, but he's determined and been home alone all day so i thought he deserved the extra kisses.

It took awhile though before he wanted to give kisses, so i'd take it easy since you just got your bird. he'll come around. He could be trying to kiss you or he doesn't like it (yet).

11-19-2008, 07:51 PM
I dont think lovies kiss in the sense that we kiss.. its either bite or preen.. lol!

if he is nibbling.. be careful for two reasons.. one it may/will turn into a bite.. and two.. your sylvia is dangerous to lovies and may kill them.. i know its hard because they are so adorable.. but its dangerous to them..

Elmo loves to try to bite my lip.. I have no idea why.. i have fleshy lips.. so i assume he's hungry! lol.. but I can tell when elmo tries to charge for my lips so I get to push him away from them because it hurts.. and two I dont want him getting any of my Sylvia.

11-19-2008, 09:50 PM
Jinx is notorious for this. She'll be sitting on my collar one minute and the next she'll charge up my throat and bite my lower lip. She doesn't want IN my mouth, she just wants to hang off of it. Not sure if she's trying to tell me something or if she just likes watching my eyes tear up in pain. It's hard to remember NOT to open my mouth and gasp when she does it. Saliva really is bad for them. Good thing blood won't kill them. Jinx usually doesn't bite hard enough to break the skin but it's just a matter of time I think.

11-20-2008, 12:10 PM
I dont think lovies kiss in the sense that we kiss.. its either bite or preen.. lol!

if he is nibbling.. be careful for two reasons.. one it may/will turn into a bite.. and two.. your sylvia is dangerous to lovies and may kill them.. i know its hard because they are so adorable.. but its dangerous to them..

Elmo loves to try to bite my lip.. I have no idea why.. i have fleshy lips.. so i assume he's hungry! lol.. but I can tell when elmo tries to charge for my lips so I get to push him away from them because it hurts.. and two I dont want him getting any of my Sylvia.

Ha Ha! I'm not giving my bird any Sylvia. He just likes to bite my lip for some reason and it hurts! :( I push him away but he seems to be getting better at it because he has stopped. I think he learned that he shouldn't do that :)

11-20-2008, 06:05 PM
I dearly remember the first time Goofy lovebird grabbed a hold of my bottom lip.......:omg:!!!!!!!!...:very_sad:......Funny how it was always the lower one and not the upper. Over time, his little attacks became less frequent until finally he quit. During this process I either told him "NO BITE" and gently pushed him down past my shoulder or tried avoiding his bites altogether. The latter being a bit more comfortable unless of course I forgot to "purse" my lips whenever he was nearby......:x..... During this time he also learned to make kissie sounds..........:blush:

Oddly enough, of all the poeple he's visited he has only bitten one other person besides me. A very good friend who prior to receiving a cheek attack I had just a few seconds earlier reassured of his complacency. Really, I think he thought she was special.......:).......needless to say, she still doesn't believe me :(.

11-20-2008, 08:51 PM
i know syliva is bad for birds but what makes it so bad??

and kiwi will sometime give me sweet kissing on my lip or excited kiss that HURTS! and i say OW! so kiwi knows it hurt me... but never any syliva although kiwi got a hold of my tooth somehow one time i dont even know it happend so fast but danmmm. that hurt!

11-20-2008, 11:13 PM
Hi Sarah and Kiwi. The real culprit within our saliva is whats called "pasteurella multocida". Like any other mammal we all carry varying amounts of this nasty bacteria. Cats being the largest carriers and humans fortunately falling way down on the list. Although its very rare for birds to become ill from having contact with human saliva, its not worth the risks knowing your bird may be courting death in as little as two hours or less. As if this weren't serious enough, because dogs and cats carry far more of this bacteria than we do, even if there's no injury, should your bird preen off their saliva after being mauled, death can occur in little less than an hour.

11-21-2008, 01:08 AM
wow i had no idea it was like that!!!! no wounder my best friend in gr4 lost her bird because are other friends dog almost bit her birds head off the bird and got its saliva all over the bird... it was so sad cause no joke 2 or 3hours later she called me saying her bird died i was so sad it was heart breaking!

11-21-2008, 03:58 AM
Lovebug, I find the more I squirm when being bitten.. or nibbled.. the harder it gets!!.. so as much as it hurts.. I have to bite my tongue (mind the pun) and slowly try to get elmo to step up on her rope and take her off me..

11-21-2008, 02:14 PM
He has stopped biting my lip and is slowly learning how to give real birdy kisses ;)

11-21-2008, 02:24 PM
mrs lovett is veyr effectionate chews my lip,nose, ear and fingers, she has got in my mouth but since bein told its bad i am good, she does it through the bars as well she nibbles away at me, he has biten me once or twcie but they were both my fault

11-21-2008, 03:20 PM
he has biten me once or twcie but they were both my fault

From the lovie's perspective, it is always our fault when we get bitten :rofl: