View Full Version : i don't think i could have more tame and curious bird if i tried

11-25-2008, 06:04 AM
ok with the problems i have been having with the pooh thing, i decided to clean his perches etc i had to get him out,

well he decided to come with me on my shoulder, i turned on the tap in the kitchen sink (i normally see the bathroom but we have a big mirror in there and i dont want him flying into it) i then turns on the cold tap (again i dnt want to use hot in case it splashed ) next thing i know i have a tiny green bird clambering down my arm, he then balanced on my arm and started drinking the water off the perch, next thing i know he is having a bath under the tap, (it wasn't fast flow) i was laughing so hard, he drunk the water and bathed in it, it was curious enough to try it now why running water and not fruit or veg,

anyway his cage is now moved round so hopefully less pooh on perches

11-25-2008, 08:43 AM
cute. joey will take sips from the pool of my hands, but that's it.

11-25-2008, 09:12 AM
My birds love running water. They both bathe in my cupped hands under running water. Buddy loves (well, loved) it so much that when I wanted a table top fountain I knew she would just know it was a birdie shower, so I built my own in a tall, 20 gallon octagonal aquarium I already had. I built a "mountain" with some artificial rocks from the pet store, made steps out of slabs of slate, ran some tubing up the back, added some artificial plants, put in an underwater pump, about 5 gallons of water, and some fiddler crabs. And I now have an indoor fountain/invertibrate habitat that is lovie proof!

11-25-2008, 11:50 AM
sounds like you had fun making that,

i havent had him long and he wasn't trying to fly away lol, bless his heart we do hae some fun

11-25-2008, 07:26 PM
Aw!! Isn't it the cutest?! Mika looooooooooves to bathe in my cupped hands under running water. I love the way she puffs herself when she dips into the water!! I think birds bathing is one of the cutest things to watch!!

11-25-2008, 08:24 PM
i agree! all my lovies loved to bathe... Sunny is a fiend for bathing in the sink! She likes being in the sink & walks under the water....so cute!

11-25-2008, 10:01 PM
Kameko might as well have webbed feet. If there is running water, she is in it. If there is a glass of water, she is in it before you can take a drink. She bathes in the kitchen sink with the water slowly running and a pool at the bottom. She flaps her wings, splashes her body and runs all over the sink. We just love watching this. But the best part is after she likes to be warmed up so we have to snuggle her (I blow warm breath on her too) and she rubs her beak and face all over our faces hahahaha. How can you not love a lovebird?

One question though, any theories why birds prefer cold water? Kameko loves water fresh out of the water cooler :confused:

11-25-2008, 10:14 PM
see.. that's where Sunny is different from my other lovies... she likes her bath water heated! LOL It has to be warm, or she looks at me like "you expect me to freeze??"

11-27-2008, 06:15 AM
lol mrs lovett does it out of cold too, i was worried it would be too cold but i am sure they can gage it for themselves right, he doesnt like nail varnish and wont come near me if i have any on lol,