View Full Version : Q about my lovebird hissing

12-05-2008, 02:24 AM
My Zipper is 14 weeks old. I was curious what his reaction would be if he saw himself = another bird in the mirror. He puffed up and started hissing.

Does that mean he would not tolerate another lovebird? I'd like to bring him a friend one day, but I don't want to end up with an extra cage in case they don't accept each other. What do you think?


12-05-2008, 08:24 AM
mmm, i don't know. i thought the same thing when i put joey next to the mirror. he'd try to beak himself, but he does great w/ another bird, so you'd never know. now he looks at himself and tries to touch the other bird in the mirror but to no avail.

12-05-2008, 10:56 AM
What you are seeing with Zipper is very typical of a young lovebird reaction to something strange. When I have my hand feeding youngsters in their container, let another lovebird (or even my hand) get near their container, it looks like they go into attack mode in an attempt to scare away the strange intruder. Zipper does not recognize the reflection he sees in the mirror as himself. He sees another bird that he doesn't want in his "territory" and the posturing is his reaction. It does not indicate that he won't accept a friend, if properly introduced, in the future.

Pips mom
12-05-2008, 11:14 AM
When I first got Pip, he loved seeing his reflection in the mirror....he would get all happy and dance around! I have pics of him just admiring himself! :rofl:

12-05-2008, 07:09 PM
Thank you for your replies.
Sounds promising then. I thought that his reaction for sure indicated he would not accept another lovie one day.

Linda, yes, I know that Zipper thinks it is another bird, but I did not know youngsters go into such an attack mood :) Thanks for telling me about your babies' behavior. I'll make sure that the new one is introduced slowly.

LOL at Pip admiring himself in the mirror. Cute!

12-16-2008, 03:34 AM
I brought a friend for my Zipper (no quarantine was necessary) and they fast became good friends. I was afraid Zipper would be aggressive or bossy toward the new lovie, but he is far from that. He acts like a baby around the new one, who is 2-3 yo, and respects him a lot. I am happy my Zipper has a real friend now.