View Full Version : Moving Day is Tomorrow

12-06-2008, 06:56 PM
My new bird room is just about complete. I'm doing the finishing touches this evening. The hardest part is cleaning the floor. The linoleum was laid about a week ago so there's no fumes/odor left but I'm getting the extra adhesive up that leaked between the squares when they were put down. I'm about 3/4 of the way done and I'm pleased with how it looks.

The A/C unit works well, as does the oil filled radiant heater I have in there. In fact, the room is insulated well enough where I only have to set the temperature on the heater at 70F to keep the room at a very pleasant temperature.

The hardest part was finding the right ceiling fan to install. The first one I bought didn't work because I couldn't get CF bulbs with intermediate bases, which is what that fan required! I need full spectrum daylight lighting out there and incandescent bulbs just weren't cuttin' it. I finally found a 30" ceiling fan at Lowes that takes CF bulbs with candleabra bases and it's exactly what I needed. Talk about a room that's brightly lit! I have a table lamp and a night light that I will be taking out there so lighting conditions will be the same as where they currently are.

The only thing I don't have yet is an inexpensive screen door to mount on the inside in front of the door that leads outside. There will be no escapees to the outside, thank you, and I will also be able to leave that door open for fresh air when the outside temperature is pleasant.

Am I pleased with the new room? You bet. I think it will work out very well.

12-06-2008, 07:08 PM
I think it will be worth a few pictures when everyone is set in there. It sounds like great work done Linda!

12-06-2008, 07:09 PM
I can't wait to see photos!! Did you set up a bed in there for me to sleep??

12-06-2008, 07:33 PM
I would LOVE to see pictures of the set up. Once we 'buy' this townhouse I want to set up a nice 'perfect' bird room with secure access to outside/breeze on warm days.

Buy A Paper Doll
12-06-2008, 09:23 PM
Congratulations! I know you are looking forward to getting everybirdy settled!!

12-06-2008, 10:41 PM
Wow, Linda, sounds like a lot of work but so worth doing for our feathered friends.

Looks like you thought of everything in advance to make their room safe and enjoyable.

Fantastic that you will have the screen door too. Your birds will love to hear wild birds chirping and getting fresh air too.

We will be waiting for pics, not just of the room itself but also with your birds living there.

12-07-2008, 09:12 AM
i second and third everyone else - can't wait to see the pics of the birds in their new room!! :)

12-07-2008, 09:27 AM
Well, all is painted and cleaned up. I've got to admit that it really looks nice. I originally had not thought about putting linoleum on the floor and just having concrete but concrete is hard to keep clean. I think my biggest challenge was convincing those working with me that I wanted things done a certain way for specific reasons. Everything had to be just so or it would have actually ended up being more work for me. The entire room is set up for the comfort of the birds and ease of doing what needs to be done for me.

With the screen door in place and the outside door open, the lovebirds will most likely get to meet the chickens and the duck. I had the outside door open this morning, trying to paint the inside of it and I had 5 chickens all checking out what I was doing and trying very hard to help me! :lol

12-07-2008, 09:28 AM
I would love a pic now, even before the birdies are in there.

Stop teasing us!

12-09-2008, 03:20 AM
I will definitely want to hear about your lovies' reaction when they see the chickens and a duck.

12-09-2008, 05:00 AM
Today was really the first day that I had to implement my new feeding/watering/cleaning routine in the new bird room. One thing I found out very quickly is that I need to change out the oil filled radiant heater that I have in there for a different one. The one I picked for there keeps them toasty warm, almost too warm! I set it for 72F and found that the thermostat is off by +10 degrees. Don't need it quite that warm! I just bought a new one, so I will be changing them out tonight.

Everything will work much better when I've trained myself to remember who is where! I usually pull all the water dishes at one time, take them into the kitchen to wash them and then return them all at once. I know, by looking, which one goes in which cage but finding the right cage took a bit of searching! Oh well, I'll get used to it. The entire set up is much, much more efficient. The lovies aren't quite sure what to make of all of it, as they are seeing birds that they are not necessarily used to being next to. That's OK. They are learning to make new friends!

All in all, it's working. I've got a couple of photos that I have yet to upload but things have been crazy here so I just haven't had the time.......

12-09-2008, 03:12 PM
Gee Linda! You didn't need to go to all of that trouble before we come to visit you! :whistle::rofl:

Your new bird rooms sounds great. We're still not 100% sure we will be able to make it to your side of the state but it is high on our priority list. :) I'd like that more than seeing alligators in the Everglades.

Congrats on the new bird room.

12-09-2008, 04:14 PM
Wow! I just checked on the map of Florida and I see what you mean about it being FAR from where we are staying to where you live. I'm really sad now because I had been looking forward to meeting you, seeing your new bird room and meeting some of your beautiful birds. Hopefully we'll be in Florida again when we will have more time to explore and we will get to your part of the state. So, I guess I won't be counting your birds! :whistle:

12-09-2008, 04:29 PM
Hey, congrats on the new bird room!

Regarding concrete, what if it were finished with the stuff used in aircraft hangars? The concrete in there is hard and shiny and even stuff from leaking engines washes out with a pressure hose and the right solvent. (When I build my own house, the entire house is going to be cleanable with a hose!)

Can't wait for the pics!

Sounds great though. Meeting you and catching some whomping thunderstorms sounds like a good reason to go to Florida.

Buy A Paper Doll
12-09-2008, 07:31 PM
Regarding concrete, what if it were finished with the stuff used in aircraft hangars? The concrete in there is hard and shiny and even stuff from leaking engines washes out with a pressure hose and the right solvent. (When I build my own house, the entire house is going to be cleanable with a hose!)

It's possible to seal concrete, two of my neighbors sealed their garage floors so that the oil won't soak into the floor. And I've heard of people having poured concrete countertops in their kitchens; I would imagine those have to be sealed, too. But I wonder if the product is too fume-y to use in a bird room?