View Full Version : A get well sick bird cage

12-07-2008, 09:48 PM
So, my boyfriend is giving me one of his cages. It's not very high and I think it would make a good cage for a sick bird to get well in (I've read about putting sick birds into a smaller cage til they get better). So since I want to keep it in case I should ever need it, any ideas on what to put in it or what to use when I have a sick bird that needs to get better?

What would I need to help a sick bird get better besides a vet check and medications?

I'd just like to know for future references.

12-08-2008, 06:01 AM
I use a small reptile plastic aquarium as a sick cage. THe reason is to keep the birds from climbing and wasting their energy.

Here's what I have with my kit. 4 small plastic container with velcro on it so I can secure it to the inside of the aquarium for water and seeds.

I have a blanket at the bottom that is the same fabric as their cozie's.
I have an aquarium thermometre stuck to the outside so I can monitor the temperature (it's an aquarium thermometer). I also have an infrared heat lamp. What it is a 25 or 50 watt bulb with a cheap lamp with a clamp that I bought at Wallmart. I can ajust the closeness of it to the top of the aquarium because it's flexible.

I have a small blanket that I can also plae on top to prevent the heat from escaping.

I also have a small cage that I use for isolation since I have so many birds. If Ithink someone is stressed out and needs to be by himself or I suspect a blood feather I place them in the small cage for monitoring. Otherwise I would have to lock a mate out of the cage and my birds don't get too happy abou that.

Also, having an extra cage is not a bad idea. A lot of poeple ave brought me unwanted birds. I will use the small cage until I can find them a good home.
I also used it to carry an injured pigeon to our wild life rehab center. I donated the cage at that time because I didn't feel safe taking it back home and unless I have an industrial disinfectant, I don't trust bleach only in a situation like this.

12-08-2008, 09:50 AM
thanks elle. I also googled some ideas. yeah, i figured it's a good cage to have

12-08-2008, 05:41 PM
Here's a picture to my set up. You kinda see only one side. The grey towel is gone and I use a green cozy that I cut so it fits perfect on the bottom.

hospital cage (http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l87/ff12elle/Picture003.jpg)

12-08-2008, 06:42 PM
very cozy and some cute birds too :)