View Full Version : This was so nice!

12-10-2008, 10:02 AM
I just had to share this nice note. I stress terribly whenever we sell a baby bird and I always want to be sure they are OK in their new homes. I got this note about the little green opaline we sold last week.

Hi Linda,
Chrissy has never bitten me yet. She is awesome. Buddy and Holly are great parents and I will definitely recommend you when I hear of anyone looking for a sweet lovebird.

Thank you very much for the emails and the picutre of Gus and Marley. What beautiful birds. I think you are right that my other bird was a normal green lovie.
When I brought Chrissie home on Friday I opened up her carrier and was surprised that she got right on my finger and I put her into her cage. She is so gentle. I talked to her for a while and then went to work. When I came home I opened up her cage and put my hand in for her to get on my finger but she moved away and scolded me. Maybe that morning when she got on my finger she didn't yet realize that I was a stranger. But I talked to her quiietly for a while and she gradually moved towards me and now climbs on my hand, steps up my arm and likes to sit on my shoulder up against my neck. She likes to sit there while I play the piano and is very snuggley.
I sounds like you had a lot of play equipment for her. I try to get her to play more but so far when I bring her out she mainly likes just to sit on my shoulder. I think she is probably still getting used to things and gaining confidence.
I love her very much and I thank you and Dave for the raising such a sweet little bird. She probably misses you still but I will take good care and will definitely ask you when questions come up and keep you posted on how she is doing.
Take care and thank you so much.

I can't tell you how happy I was to receive this note. This was one of my very favorite little ones.

12-10-2008, 10:46 AM
That is a great note to get. :) She sounds like a very happy little lovie!

12-10-2008, 12:43 PM
I sent my breeder a few emails too after getting my two, also some pictures to update her on how they are looking! :D

12-10-2008, 12:55 PM
awww thats so awesome!!! she sounds very happy and in love with her new lovie!

12-10-2008, 01:02 PM
Hi Linda,
It's always nice to receive updates on babies that have been sold and gone to new homes! Best "advertising" you will ever have is word of mouth from a satisfied customer!!

12-10-2008, 05:26 PM
cool. Yeah, I love updating the girl I got my lovies from. She enjoys seeing photos and updates. It's nice to be able to let the breeder know how well their babies are doing.