View Full Version : How do you watch movies?

12-10-2008, 10:30 PM
Hey Guys,

S0oo my bf like to watch movies WITHOUT a lovebird going crazy in the cage to come out... what do you birdy lovers do when wanting to watch a movie?? :whistle:

12-11-2008, 01:12 AM
Hahahaha!! I have this problem all the time!! When I'm home, I bring the birds to whatever room I'm in and my bf will go into the room without. But since we watch movies together, it gets a little hard. The last movie we watched, I had them with me in the living room and they shrieked several times that bothered the bf... if my bf got really upset over it and felt he couldn't enjoy the movie, I'd just move them into the bedroom for the time being. Otherwise, I keep them wherever I am.

12-11-2008, 01:38 AM
thats what i have too do! i feel soo bad :( but justin was here before kiwi so have to move kiwi... at first kiwi was good but now that kiwi is more bonded to me kiwi just runs all over to get out so i was putting kiwi in the back of the kitchen(are living room kitchen is on big room kinda thing) well now that kiwi loves me and want to hangout most the time we can STILL hear kiwi s/he goes NUTS! and i know it drives my bf off the WALLS so ive moved kiwi all together to a differnet room... poor kiwi baby. but i have to keep both parts of the family happy somehow.

12-11-2008, 01:43 AM
Hmmmm... Well, I guess it depends on what time of day maybe? My birds sometimes chirp way too loud and much during the light hours in the bedroom, but if it's night and I put them in the bedroom they're fine and quiet 'cause it's getting or is dark. Maybe you can modify your movie watching schedule if Kiwi is like mine?

Don't feel bad... if they're out and you're with them for most of the time, a couple or few hours for you two to watch a movie won't hurt them!! And yes, it'll keep the bf content (notice I didn't say "happy" *lol*).

12-11-2008, 04:51 AM
Bird comes out and watches movie with me or we turn closed captions on.lol. That is what we did when we had birds in the living room.


12-11-2008, 04:59 AM
We wait til there are in bed. Of course, there is a greater chance of me falling asleep during the movie LOL

12-11-2008, 09:21 AM
Yup, we wait until the cages are covered. It doesn't guarantee a perfectly quiet movie -- especially if a bird chirps in it, or it's a Star Wars pic with R2D2 noises -- but it works much better than other times of day. We also use captioning.

12-11-2008, 09:26 AM
My birds don't mind movies; they actually like watching them if they are awake and if they are sleeping/covered there might be a chirp once in a while, but no craziness. They react more to fire engine/police car/train sounds that sound loudly outside the apartment a few times a day than movies.

Good luck finding a solution.

PS: Maybe prepare a nice irresistable birdie treat for them (birdie cornbread, peas, corn, millet, scrambled egg...something warm and yummy) to concentrate on during the movie, too.

12-11-2008, 09:35 AM
I try to have the cage covered, at least partially.

If it is only half covered, Fenway will undoubtedly come down from the happy hut and watch with us from a wood perch near the front of the cage. I worry sometimes he is becoming addicted to TV. :blush:

However, ANY movie or TV show with bird calls or chirps in the background will be answered as LOUDLY AS POSSIBLE by Wrigley.:x He doesn't need to see the bird, just hear it. Usually he will settle down once he has shouted hello a few times, though.

Maybe I'm a bit strange...I seem to be able to tune out the birdies' noise when I need to. It very rarely bother me, or even registers for that matter. :roll:

12-11-2008, 10:19 AM
We have so many birds that we never have any peace at all. Luckily, we've gotten used to it and my husband is as big a birdy nut as I am so I don't have to worry about him. Of course, we have one maniacal lovebird that spends a lot of time with us downstairs (he doesn't like lovebirdies) but he torments all the downstairs birds as well as my husband and I. So we often have to put him upstairs in the bird room for our own peace of mind. I feel bad but we all need a little peace. Of course, I say peace but we still have an african grey, two meyer's and an alexandrine that are always around.

12-11-2008, 11:14 AM
Yup, we wait until the cages are covered. It doesn't guarantee a perfectly quiet movie -- especially if a bird chirps in it, or it's a Star Wars pic with R2D2 noises -- but it works much better than other times of day. We also use captioning.

I usually wait until Ditto goes to bed too but if not, he watches with me.:happy:

I'm glad Ditto's not the only one who goes nuts when he hears R2D2.

12-11-2008, 12:22 PM
hahaha if it was only that EASY for me kiwi will go NUTS and i mean NUTS for like 10min try to get out to be on meee watching the movie. we always watch moves at 9 so it is birds bedtime but wont go to bed lol. so cover up and let him look out his happy hut. he will watch the movie from far least he can still see us..... hahha the other night i "left" the cage door open ;) and what do u know while watching the movie kiwi came out and sat on my finger with me like a VERYYY good bird. but like i said my bf doesnt want anybird near him while watching a movie... but i know that all kiwi wants. i cant win this one.

12-11-2008, 12:46 PM
.... hahha the other night i "left" the cage door open ;) and what do u know while watching the movie kiwi came out and sat on my finger with me like a VERYYY good bird. ...

LOL, that reminded me of when my Birdie was still alive. He only slept in his cage, and took himself there each night. I'd close his door before I went to bed.

I didn't have a TV but would stay up working on my computer. If I left his door open and started making noise or turning lights on past his bedtime, he would fly out and scold me soundly. He would fly to my bedroom and fly back to where I was and then fly to his cage and back to me, scolding and telling me we BOTH should be in bed.

He was always right. :)

12-12-2008, 09:38 AM
I'm glad Ditto's not the only one who goes nuts when he hears R2D2.

I think the R2 unit is really a lovebird in a robot body; a lovebird with a speaker.

12-12-2008, 10:26 AM
I think the R2 unit is really a lovebird in a robot body; a lovebird with a speaker.

Definately. Ditto sounds just like him.:happy: