View Full Version : And the search continues on....

12-13-2008, 07:53 AM
I think you guys remember that I was considering getting a budgie for my 4 year old daughter, since Cherry can be a little intimiadating at times when he "dive bombs" her outside of the cage. I searched PetFinder, (which seemed to have a lot of birds with problems) and a few local breeders -- and this was my experience last week.

I met with a local breeder, who breeds lovebirds. She seemed very nice via e-mail, but when I took my child (Melissa, now age 4) to the breeder's to meet the potential bird I has picked out. (A slate gray male, around 4.5 months) the lady TOTALLY freaked out on me and told me she does not allow her birds to go to places where children will torment the poor bird by poking their fingers in the cages and squeezing the bird too hard. I explained to the woman that Melissa and Emily (my 2 year old) are very RESPONSIBLE children and they make sure that Cherry (our current lovebird) get food and water changes 2x daily! Emily is in charge of scooping the food, and Melissa gets Cherry fresh water...and my two girls LOVE taking care of Cherry. The woman did not seem to believe me, and I told her that I was no longer comfortable purchasing a bird from her if she was going to treat both me and my children in this matter. I had even brought with me a vet reference from Dr. Barry Kutchner, my vet who re-homed Cherry into my home -- explaining to any breeder that I was more than responsible to "own" a bird.

I understand fully that this breeder has the right to be concerned as to where her birds are being "rehomed." I just felt that because I have two small kids, she singled me out and wouldn't even give poor Melissa a chance to look at the birdie we had picked out for her...and that made my 4 year old cry right then and there. I picked her up and we stormed out of there in a huff.

The entire ride home, Melissa was crying because the lady wouldn't sell her "her birdie", which she planned on naming Charlie.

When I got home, the lady then called me to tell me she re-thought about the entire situation, and she would then re-sell Charlie to me....but at a higher price because she wanted to indeed make sure that I would WANT to buy this bird for my child and paying a higher price would ensure her that I would take better care of the bird. I politely refused, and she then accused me of being irresponsible. (Try hanging up on someone with a cordless phone! Can't quite get that satisfaction of giving them the ole BEEP and not the CLONK!)

So, here we are back at square one. I haven't had the heart to subject Melissa or myself to that type of treatment again, and I don't want to buy a bird during the holidays because I know a lot of people just want to make a quick buck for the holidays.

I had everything picked out, set up and EVERYTHING. My in-laws were going to keep Cherry at their house, while I socialized Charlie at this house with my kids and myself.

I am just so angry, and frustrated. I feel like anytime I try to do anything for our family, I get slammed up against the wall. Maybe it isn't meant for us to have another bird....I just don't know. How does a woman go from being so nice to so rude and vicious? Over a kid? And a well-behaved one at that!

Le sigh....I just feel shot down over this whole thing and don't know how to pick up the pieces and start again. I understand that this lady is a once-in-a-while crazy breeder, but I can't have my kid or myself heartbroken like this again.

12-13-2008, 08:50 AM
I'm so very sorry to read about your experience with this breeder. Obviously, she's had problems with this issue in the past and she's lumping everyone with small children into the same category. BIG mistake, as it doesn't always work that way.

Check your private messages and let me know what you think. :)

12-13-2008, 08:56 AM
Sorry to hear about that NickyBeth, I had a bad experience with the lady I got "Jimmy" from. I should have walked away, but something told me to take that bird.

I feel that all things happen for a reason. I think you will find a bird even better for your children.

I would recomend a younger bird, ideally. My new guy is over 6 months and has not been handled. I think a small child would be frustrated with the patience it takes to tame a bird like that.

Good luck. I am sure Linda has a solultion for you ;)