View Full Version : Turtle and Ducky

12-15-2008, 05:41 PM
Well once again I've learned what a lovie hen wants is what a lovie hen gets!!!!!!

In Febuary little Turtle hatched out in our home. She is a blue series lightly pied cinnamon. She was parent raised by her mamma and daddy Shy and Katsu. While we handled her while she was young, we didn't spend enough time with her to be handtame but she steps up on a stick and is very sweet. She lived with her parents until just a few months ago. She was one of two unattached lovies we had in our flock. The other was Ducky, our three year old male creamino who was hatched in our home as well.

Ducky lost his mate Sage two years back:cry:. Since then, Ducky has followed Babiest Bubber and Spike around despite them having mates. We brought in another female to be his mate but he wanted nothing to do with her and continued to pine after Spike but especially Babiest Bubber.

Well Turtle decided she liked Ducky and that was that. He ignored her, bit her toes, and generally acted like an uninterested male:x. Turtle didn't give up though. She followed Duck around wherever he went. We tried to help matters by buying a large breeder cage with a separation piece so they could live next door to each other. Over time, we would find Turtle in Ducky's cage and Ducky still wanted nothing to do with her. Luckily, Ducky is sweet so he would just sit on his rope perch while Turtle occupied his cozy. We would move Turtle back to her side and cozy at bedtime to make sure everybirdy was safe. About two months ago we stopped moving Turtle and decided to see what would happen. Since we have a bird room, we were able to leave their cage door open in case Ducky got aggresive, which he didn't really do. Turtle knew what she was doing and now they are a cute little pair.

YEP! Turtle's determination has paid off. About two to three weeks ago, Ducky finally gave in and realized how sweet Turtle was and I walked in to find him feeding Turtle one day. A couple of days later I found them mating and they've been a couple ever since:blush:. After two years, Ducky has stopped following our other hens around and he now shares his cozy with Turtle, and they are a happy couple.

It's been so fun and cute watching this whole process. Of course, I know my birds so well I knew everybirdy was safe and didn't just throw Turtle in with Ducky hoping all would go well. I have to say I am so happy for Ducky cause he really is a sweet guy!

12-15-2008, 05:53 PM
Nothing warms a heart like a lovie love story. I am very happy that Turtle and Ducky are together.


12-15-2008, 06:13 PM
Aw to sweet almost sounds like how boo ignored sunshine till he won her over and altho boo is still the alpha hen he wont miss any opertunity to get his swishy on with any visiting lovie hens!
The perv!

12-15-2008, 07:05 PM
What a great story!! You go girl (Turtle!!) It is so nice that Ducky has a mate again after all this time of missing his Sage and pining after others. I love a happy ending! :)

Buy A Paper Doll
12-15-2008, 07:57 PM
Yay!!! So glad to hear that patience won out for Turtle and Ducky. :)

12-15-2008, 08:46 PM
You know what they had to say about the tortoise....slow & steady wins the race!

Much luck & love to Turtle and Ducky!

12-15-2008, 10:27 PM
what a cute story and now I WANT PHOTOS OF THEM!!!!!!!!! I'm demanding faces to go w/ the story. :)

12-15-2008, 10:39 PM
aww what a happy ending <3

12-16-2008, 06:34 PM

What a great story, Laura! Good for Turtle (and Ducky!)!! :D

12-17-2008, 01:44 PM
This is very sweet. It's nice that it has worked out so well, and it gives me hope... I'd also like to see pix of the cute couple. :)

We have one seagreen opaline male, Quigley, who has never accepted any of the females we've tried to pair him up with. Right now I have him next to a beautiful green opaline female and I'm planning to leave her there a long time to see if he'll finally cave in. I think he still keeps hoping he can be with his clutchmate Ariel...

It would be nice if Quigley would like her more than the pom pom on his swing!

12-17-2008, 02:07 PM
This is very sweet. It's nice that it has worked out so well, and it gives me hope... I'd also like to see pix of the cute couple. :)

We have one seagreen opaline male, Quigley, who has never accepted any of the females we've tried to pair him up with. Right now I have him next to a beautiful green opaline female and I'm planning to leave her there a long time to see if he'll finally cave in. I think he still keeps hoping he can be with his clutchmate Ariel...

It would be nice if Quigley would like her more than the pom pom on his swing!

You know it may be that Quigley prefers males? Ducky's former mate was a male who the breeder could never pair with a female, but the minute he met Ducky he was happy and in love.

Yep! Picks are needed. I just got a new camera but my husband took it to Hawaii (for work) with him and he won't be back til' this weekend. So I will get pics up of the happy couple asap:).