View Full Version : bug bombs?

12-21-2008, 12:17 AM
I did a search for bug bombs on here but didn't find anything... I also searched on-line but didn't really find any help, unless I'm not using the proper keywords.

Anyway, I need to bug bomb my apartment. I'm going to do it probably in the first weekend of January while my parents are away so I can take Mika and Kano there (and my bf won't feel uncomfortable staying there since the 'rents will be away). I've used those quick and easy bug bombs from Wal-Mart before and for humans I remember returning to a previous place within a couple of days, but I don't think that would be sufficient for birds. My question is how long should I keep them at my parents house? Is there anything else I should be aware of when I bomb the place? Any chemicals or substances I need to steer clear of when choosing bug bombs?

I'd obviously take EVERYTHING bird-related with me and I'm going to be cleaning the apartment afterwards...

12-21-2008, 12:24 AM
Maybe try doing a search on this forum for more natural bug killers.
Depending on what you have, there may be a better, safer solution than a bomb.
Good luck!

12-21-2008, 12:34 AM
Hmmm... only thing that showed up was a way to deter ants. I definitely need to do my entire apartment. I'll search on-line for natural bug (small roaches, specifically) killer.

12-21-2008, 12:46 AM
Found this about roaches...


When I lived in FLA we had palmetto bugs. My husband and kids didn't believe me about how big and scary they were.
We went to Disney World 2 yrs ago, and I found one in the shower at the hotel. I told my then 16 yr old to get it out, but he couldn't find it.
It had crawled up the shower curtain, and when he went to look, it had jumped on his shoulder. Of course, I freaked out, which sent him running all over the hotel room swatting at his back in a panic. It was so funny- just like something you'd see on a sit-com. :happy:

12-21-2008, 12:51 AM
Thanks!! I'm looking up camicide right now. I don't think they sell that stuff anywhere here, so I may have to purchase it on-line.

Does anyone know of any organic bug bombs? I'd still like to find something that will do the entire apartment rather than me just spraying here and there because I know there are places they can hide where I can't reach.

12-21-2008, 12:57 AM
Yeah, Linda mentioned in that post about putting borax in with peanut butter or something. I bet it would work with powdered sugar , or flour or bread crumbs, too.

12-21-2008, 01:03 AM
Yeah, I read her post about the boric acid (is that the same as borax?) and peanut butter... how would I do that? Leave it on a plate or on the countertop for them to eat?? I don't want to be putting peanut butter in all our rooms though... :x

12-21-2008, 01:15 AM
boric acid is stronger than just borax, but I don't know where to get it... hardware store, maybe?

12-21-2008, 01:20 AM
I'd still be really careful about not letting your bird anywhere near it...


12-21-2008, 01:31 AM
Oh, good! I have a Walgreens down the street... I may try that.

Mika and Kano don't leave the living room area unless I take them with me, so they'll be all good. Thank you for all your help!! :)

If anyone else can chime in on my original post, though, that'd be great!! As much as I'll try the organic or natural way first, if it doesn't rid of them completely I will be bombing my place because the little roaches are multiplying quickly and roaches are at the top of my "hate" list!!

I'll try the boric acid on Monday and use it until the end of the month. If the roaches aren't gone by January 1st, I'll have to bomb over that Fri-Sun weekend.

12-21-2008, 03:28 AM
For roaches, bait works the best and when placed, it will last anywhere up to a year and still be effective. You mix peanut butter with boric acid (not borax/available at hardware stores) and place small amounts under appliances and in damp, dark areas in the kitchen and bathroom. You can put it along baseboards behind furniture, spaced out about every 12".

Here's the scoop on Camicide. I have it and I use it. It's safe around birds, as it's a natural insecticide rather than a poisonous chemical one. I accidentally sprayed a bird directly (long story!) and it had no effect whatsoever. The problem with Camicide Classic is that it leaves no residue. You spray the bug, it dies and that's it. Camicide makes a house and garden variety that does leave a residue and can be used along baseboards in places where your birds can't get to it.

If you can't get what you need online, I get my supplies from Smelt Feed Supply in Tampa. Phone number 813-248-2359. All you have to do is call them, tell them what you need (as long as they have it), give them a credit card number and it will be shipped to you. It's a family owned business and I've been dealing with them for many years.

12-21-2008, 03:31 AM
So just leave the peanut butter mix permanently? Wouldn't the smell of peanut butter eventually attract more roaches from other places?

12-21-2008, 03:43 AM
So just leave the peanut butter mix permanently? Wouldn't the smell of peanut butter eventually attract more roaches from other places?
Yes. The peanut butter might very well attract other roaches but the minute they ingest the bait, they will be dead within a very short period of time so the worst you will have is dead bodies to clean up. Bait is still the most effective way to handle the situation.

12-21-2008, 03:45 AM
How much boric acid should I mix into the peanut butter?

12-21-2008, 04:48 AM
75% peanut butter to 25% boric acid should do the trick! Just make sure you mix it up well.

12-21-2008, 04:49 AM
Okay!! I'll try it!! Thanks a lot for your help!!

12-21-2008, 03:35 PM
If you can't get what you need online, I get my supplies from Smelt Feed Supply in Tampa. Phone number 813-248-2359. All you have to do is call them, tell them what you need (as long as they have it), give them a credit card number and it will be shipped to you. It's a family owned business and I've been dealing with them for many years.


Is that were you get mouse poison as well? I remember you mentioning one that was a desiccant, too... what was the name of that product?

12-21-2008, 04:16 PM
Is that were you get mouse poison as well?
Yes, that's where I get my mouse/rat poison. It's called One Bite and you can get it in a bar or a box that contains 10 packets. The packets work best for me, as mice and rats chew to get to what they want.