View Full Version : Wits end

12-21-2008, 09:04 AM
I just don't know what to do anymore. My lovebird Marley has always been loud from time to time, but it used to pass. For the last 6-8 months she screams much louder than she did when I first got her, like she's screaming at the top of her lungs, all day long. repeatedly. She used to be silent when she was covered, now she is screaming before I uncover her in the morning and after at night. it echos so bad in my house, I can't just close the door cause it sounds just as loud. I cry some days cause I just cant stand it anymore. She is allowed to come out of her cage almost all day, but she hardly does anymore, and when she does she just screams from where ever she is. I've had her for 4 and 1/2 years and it was never like this. She used to lay eggs a lot and now she hasn't in almost a year, about the same time her behavior's gotten really bad. I'm thinking about finding her a new home, but I know there is no one in the world who would keep this bird. I need some advice, a pep talk, something. Seriously, I cry because of this bird. I LOVE animals and I know its in their nature, but she never used to be this loud or frequent. I like some of the calls she makes, and I try to respond to the nice ones, but it doesnt work. She reverts back to the 3 screams in a row, with the 2 second pause and repeat. :very_sad: I dont know what to do.
Please help -Jen

12-21-2008, 10:01 AM
Hi Jen,
Try reading through this URL: http://www.naturalencounters.com/trainingEducationFaqs.html#2 See if there's anything you can glean from Steve Martin, expert on parrot training. I think once you figure out what caused the change, dealing with it may be easier.

12-21-2008, 10:21 AM
Okay, Spork -- I so know this must be getting to you...so here comes NickyBeth with the pep talk!

Linda's article she posted above is a great one to read. Something is causing Marley to scream at the top of her lungs and we don't know what. How recently did the screaming start up? 6-8 months, you say. Has there been anything that would make her do that? Cage change, or toy change? Could she be calling for something in her cage that isn't there anymore? How about a few new toys and re-arranging her cage a little bit. Perhaps she could be screaming (contact calling, more really) because she is bored and is calling for some friends?

Cherry chirps from time to time. While I tune it out anymore, it can get annoying to some. Perhaps looking into a cagemate for Marley could work as well? She may want a friend to keep her calls at bay. While I am in agreement that humans and lovebirds can bond....sometimes there is nothing like one of your own species to be with. Imagine if there was no humans around for you to talk to...I am sure it would drive us nuts after a while as well.

We will all pool our birdie resources to prevent you from going insane and helping you and Marley back on the right path to contentment.

12-21-2008, 07:25 PM
The only thing maybe I can suggest is, you were saying that she has out of cage time most of the time but doesnt..

maybe you should get her a play gym.. I absolutely love them.. it has helped myself and elmo alot not only with bonding but keeping him amused.

I transfer all of his toys and water, food to the play pen and he spends his time swinging balls, chewing sticks on it. he only ever sleeps in his cage.

but yes, if your lovie has just started screaming, there is obviously something wrong going on.. some sort of change she doesnt like... or maybe she is in pain somewhere?

12-22-2008, 11:45 AM
hah, she must be able to read because ever since I posted this, she has been on her BEST behavior, but i'm not complaning! anyway, there have been a few changes in her environment in the past few months, but this behavior started before we moved, otherwise I would assume that's the problem. Marley is such a different bird, its hard to make others understand. She doesnt play with toys, I buy her toys all the time and change them out, she could care less. The only thing she likes is her birdy buddy and her happy hut. I know happy huts are supposed to be bad, but she's had one for almost 4 years now and it's the only thing she seems to like, so I dont want to remove it, I don't think its whats causing her behavior. She has a birdie gym and she won't go near it. she freaks out if I try to put her on it. the only time i got her to go on it is when I put her happy hut on it. She doesn't eat proper food, she is a seed junkie and I've tried to convert her several times and it didnt work. The best i can get her to do is eat nutriberries, and usually she just picks out the seed from those. So her diet hasn't changed at all. I do know that I am very loud, when I get frustrated I tend to raise my voice, to humans and the bird, I try not to cause I feel she is trying to keep up with my volume, but again, I've been loud ever since I've had her, so that hasn't changed either! I thought maybe since she stopped laying eggs maybe she's going thru birdie menopause or something, lol, and she's more hormonal than ever?! I'm willing to get her a friend if i knew she would tolerate another bird, but she's very aggressive and I'm afraid they would just fight. although, she does love her reflection so maybe she does want a friend. oh what to do what to do...thanks for the suggestions...