View Full Version : When would it be safe?

01-04-2009, 11:34 AM
Hi, we throw an annual after holiday party and decided it would be best for the birds to board them so we didn't interupt there normal sleep routine. We board at the same place that we got the birds so it's familiar and they are great!:)

My husband decided this would also be a great time to do some cleaning that we can't do when the birds are here like the oven and carpets. Now we need to know when it would be safe for the birds to return?:confused:

The oven is self cleaning and was done two days ago. The carpets were also cleaned two days ago with a Bissell solution for pet stain and odor and a product called Pet Force that says its an all natural, eco friendly, non toxic containing non pathogneic bacteria, enzymes, natural surfactants with a lemon fragrance. I don't smell any lingering residual odors from either the oven or the carpets but wanted advice.

The birds are scheduled for pick up this afternoon. Would this be ok or should we give it more time?:confused:


01-04-2009, 11:43 AM
The self-cleaning oven is the concern for me! The fumes from those take away my ability to breathe so I never use mine! The carpet should not be an issue, based on your description of what was used.

I would give your birds one more day, just to be on the safe side. Very smart idea to do all this while they were being boarded!

01-04-2009, 11:48 AM
Hi Linda,
Thanks for the quick response. My husband knows that I would never let him clean the carpet or the oven when the birds are in the house! He knows my non negotiables! ;)