View Full Version : Another observation

08-04-2005, 12:55 AM
OK, so I get Trixie and from day 1 (about 6 weeks of age) she is all kinds of snuggly, loves to be held and cuddled and then at about 3 months its almost no snuggly, no holding, no petting except for when she decided to snuggle under my hair. :lol

Then at about 5 months she went back to snuggly mode, and then we added lots of holding in my hand time, lots of time on her back getting cuddled and all kinds of calm loving behavoir.

Its been that way ever since and steps up in levels of snugability consistently.

Now i can pretty much hold her and cuddle anytime.

What have your experiences with this kind of behavoir been?

08-04-2005, 08:22 AM

Was Trixie molting at around 3 months? This is when I notice my birds not really wanting to be snuggled and petted as much. Other than that, I might just chalk it up to hormones, or a phase? A couple of thoughts :)

08-04-2005, 08:27 AM
Hey Perran,
I've had Peepo since she was about 11 weeks old. She's my cuddle baby, very attached to me. I've noticed that she has had at least one period (at about 7 months) where she was less cuddly, really wanting less handling. She became fairly nippy, but it passed. When she molts, of course, she's prickly and likes different kinds of cuddling, involving a good deal of rubbing around the head. :) :)

I have two males, that reside separately from her. One (Luka) plays with her and feeds her daily. She loves that time, but is REALLY bossy and runs him off after a while. She will even solicit him (when she's inside her cage - where he is not allowed). BUT she's my baby, and is still quite bonded with me.

Peepo has her moods (we all do) so I try to be sensitive to what she needs at different times. It's amazing how expressive they are about what they want (or don't want!). :lol I've noticed that if we get off the normal daily schedule and I'm doing something like cleaning her cage late (at her bedtime instead of a couple hours earlier) she'll be nippy. Fatigue & hunger influence her moods (just like me!). Also, sometimes my husband is noisy at night and wakes me and the birds.... then we're grumpy.... uh oh, a pattern! :lol

08-04-2005, 09:58 AM
Perran, I enjoyed reading your post (and the replies!) cause I'm trying to learn what I might expect with my two new boys. It will be ALL NEW for me! I'll let ya know what happens when they reach the 3 months stage! Right now, they will let me hold them and rub their beaks and heads but who knows what the next few months will be like. I can't wait to find out! :D

Glad that Trixie is back to her loving ways! :)

08-04-2005, 10:58 PM
I can see where this type of behavior is 'going'.

One day you will discover a nice little eggie laid under your aforementioned hair in a cozy spot close to your neck. Yup, that's what all this is leading up to. And you ain't gonna be able to move for 23 days whilst Trixie incubates, and then yer gonna have a little baby Trix under your hair, nesting away, tugging at your ear whenever it gets hungry and pooping down your spine. And then you know you won't be able to move for another two months till it is weaned and by that time you will be putting on a few pounds from lack of exercise and movement in general and won't be able to get your fat arse up off the couch at all so you will resign your life to being a permanent nest for Trixie and all the eggs she will lay in the future.

In a couple of years, poor Perran, eternally glued to his spot on the couch, fatter than the Pillsbury Dough Boy, playing his guitar to the tune of a hundred lovies perched all over him chirping to the music.

This is where that is going... Oh, yes it is.

08-05-2005, 10:17 AM
Shy..... :lol :lol :lol

08-06-2005, 12:21 AM

