View Full Version : Attack On PP by a Wild Bird!!!

08-04-2005, 11:53 AM
Because PP beats up her bird, I took her bird away from her semi-permanently. They can no longer see nor hear each other, besides for an hour of highly supervised together time.

So PP has been spending more time with me. She was sitting on the back of my computer chair in the family room by the window, when I got up to get something in the kitchen. Suddenly I heard a scream and a flapping of wings. (There is no real "wall" separating the kitchen from the family room.)

I looked up to see a wild bird, probably one residing in the tree right outside in one of my dad's many bird houses, clinging to the window screen!! (Central air is on so my windows are closed as well.)

The wild bird probably felt threatened that PP was in "his territory" and launched an attack!

It was HILARIOUS!!! This wild bird was probably half the size of PP!!! And it scared PP literally into Poops!!

She flew 30ft, landed on the floor, and took a poop!! (I read somewhere this is in relationship to the "fight or flight" response, flying and pooping.)

She stood there and let me pick her up without nipping at me and let me cuddle her and hold her!

What a funny little hen!!! She pretends to be so big and mighty, but when push comes to shove, she is really a chicken at heart!

08-04-2005, 01:50 PM
lol And because she proved to me that she was able to fly that far, she got a good wing clipping today!! Only her second one in her life!!!

She's such a character!! I was GOING to let her feathers regrow totally since most of them did due to her first molt, but she's being more and more hard headed! As soon as I clipped her second wings, and released my hold on her she couldn't decided what to do between preening her feathers as if "ruffled" by my rough handling of her and attempting to play with the zipper of my hoodie!

Somehow she KNEW that she deserved the good wing clipping, cause she didn't even attempt to fly away either. She merely hopped off of me, ran across the room, climped in her cage, and started eating and playing.

Ahhh.... She's such a character!!!

By the way, did I ever tell you I LOVE YOUR AVITAR!!! PP is a blue masked lovie!!

08-04-2005, 02:04 PM

I have a little chicken who lives with too :lol Molly is all brave until Daisy or Piper come around and then Molly runs away. CHICKEN!

08-04-2005, 08:42 PM
The thread title almost gave me a heart attack. :eek:

Ditto loves to sit outside on the back porch in his outside cage. The porch is screened so he safe back there in the cage. He'll chirp like a sparrow and the little sparrows will hop over to the step to say hi. :cool:

08-04-2005, 11:04 PM
Oh dear...

Open the hatch, expel excess cargo, make bird lighter, prepare for immediate evacutation, nope, we already evacuated, evacuate, nope, we already evacuated, prepare for flight, yup, we can do that, fly off.

How does that make for a fast getaway in a fight or flight situation??