View Full Version : Stormy ruined his Quarantine

01-11-2009, 05:45 PM
Ugh go figure

Stormy is in our bedroom, and we have all the birds next door in their "bird room". I had both bedroom doors closed and had gone to the kitchen to make something.

All their cage doors are open (including Stormys cuz im trying to let him come out and get used to us). I walked into the birdroom, and there was Stormy IN THE COCKATIEL CAGE!!!

This brat jumped down from his cage, crawled UNDER my door, crawled under their door, then climbed into the tiels cage and was just having a jolly time hanging out!

He did it twice till i finally locked him in. Now heres the thing.

Im a little worried that he broke quarantine, but now that hes SEEN my other birds hes completely changed. Hes frantic around me, wants nothing to do with me. Keeps pacing and calling for them. Everytime i let him out he jumps to the floor and makes a mad dash for their room.

I know its only been a couple weeks but for a hand tame lovie he really wants NOTHING to do with us. And now all he can think about are the other birds. What do you guys think i should do?

I wanted him to bond with us (which is why i only got one lovie). We were considering keeping him with us in the bedroom away from the other birds permanently. Anyone else have multiple birds with their lovies..and do they still stay tame or bond with the other bird rather than you?

01-11-2009, 06:09 PM
I only have lovies, and can't offer advise. Sorry :(

When did you get Stormy? It always takes a month or so for a new lovie to bond with me it seems.

01-11-2009, 06:24 PM
First, I would continue the quarantine. Lets say that Stormy is sick. What he has might not be transmitted the first time he meets the other birds. So continue the quarantine.

I have one lovebird that joined our flock and remained bonded to humans. Keep trying. Don't give up. Stormy will calm down after a few days. He knows he's not alone anymore and he's excited about that. It will really take a lot of patience to get him used to you and your family.

I had a lovebird who bit me everyday for one year. Then, out of the blue, she decided I was her best friend. It took me completely out of surprise. So, again, (I know I'm repeating myself) don't give up :)

01-11-2009, 06:36 PM
OK. Let's look at it from Stormy's point of view. He's very, very much a baby, away from his clutchmates, parents and other birdie companions. In fact, he's away from all birds at the moment! All he wants right now is feathered company. It's not that he won't bond to you because attention, attention and more attention will do the trick. He's just looking for something that wears feathers like he does.

All of my lovebirds, with the exception of one or two, have lovebird companions and my tame ones are still tame. As long as you interact with them, you are still part of the flock.