View Full Version : Skittles is growing up...

01-12-2009, 04:15 AM
Well everyone, Skittles is consistently eating and drinking on his own now, and is back down to two handfeedings a day, and he is now only taking 3 - 5 cc's at those feedings. I would stop, but he begs incessantly until I offer the feedings, so I am guessing he is just not quite ready to let go completely yet...and that's ok...I will continue to follow his lead, and let him tell me when he is ready to quit.
He is definitely a joy and I'm glad he picked me to be his parront:)
I do have a question though...he really doesn't play with his toys at all yet. His entire focus seems to be getting to me and being on my shoulder and in my hair. That seems to be the only thing he is interested in. Is it just because he is still a baby? I don't mind him being on my shoulder, but I do want him to also be comfortable being in his cage or on his playstand area and enjoying playing too. Should I not allow him to be on me as much as what he wants to be?

01-12-2009, 04:30 AM
Hi Cindy,
Glad to hear that Skittles is eating more on his own. As he gains confidence, he will not want those feedings but it can take a while. Mom and dad still slip the youngsters a snack or two once they eat on their own so it's just a birdie thing. At this point, if he's satisfied with 3 cc, let it go at that. An adult crop will hold 3 cc of hand feeding formula and when he gets to that point, his crop will be at the right size for when he's not eating formula at all.

Skittles is very much a baby and he sees you as his parront. Babies cuddle with each other and their parrents so you've assumed that role, too. Nothing wrong with it. In fact, it's a plus for his emotional health. He doesn't play with his toys because he's not learned how to do it. Give him some time to mature a bit and he will broaden his horizons, so to speak. :)

01-12-2009, 04:38 AM
Thanks Linda!! I will let him cuddle all he wants!! I was talking to this person at this Parrot Store we have here in the Minneapolis area, and he said I should not let Skittles on my shoulder at all, nor should I be cuddling him because that simulates sexual behavior in parrots, and I would only be encouraging that behavior, and then would run into behavior issues as he matures. But that advice made me very uncomfortable. He is just a baby after all, and he has no parent birds to cuddle with.
Here is a link to the article the guy gave me to read. His parents own the store, and they are very big bird people...they are also good friends with Sally Blanchard.
Anyway...he said I should put a stop to letting him "cuddle" on my shoulder now and also to the scratching a preening if I want to avoid issues later. But if I don't give Skittles the cuddling and closeness he seeks now, I would think that would cause problems later on.
Thanks so much for always being ready with advice...and what are you doing up so late???:rofl:

01-12-2009, 05:00 AM
I agree with one thing. Skittles will grow up and mature sexually. It happens to every living creature. We spay and alter cats/dogs. We can't do that with birds, at least not routinely.

Shoulders are dominant places (hard to see what your bird is doing and hard to remove them if you don't want them to be there!) but whether or not you allow Skittles to be there depends on your relationship with him/her. Some of my birds I trust there. Others there's absolutely no way!!!!! It's going to be a judgement call on your part.

As for the petting, cuddling, stroking, I find that I have to be careful how I do it with my various birds. Birds are going to go through a hormonal stage at least once/yr, regardless. My 13 yr old Double Yellow Headed Amazon does this every Jan - Mar. I don't have to do anything. It happens. Since Amazon males are known for being aggressive when hormonal, I'm very careful how I approach and handle him. I've already almost got bitten this week-end. His hormones are in control and I have to respect that. The sexual nature of birds does not go away. You simply have to learn how to deal with it.

01-12-2009, 05:10 AM
Well, for now, what feels right is to let him cuddle, and to scratch his head and cheeks when he asks for it. I think that helps to develop the trusting relationship we want our birds to feel with us. I think I will deal with the other stuff as it comes along, but right now with him being a baby, I think it would be cruel to deny him a place to cuddle where he feels comfortable, and I think it would teach him in the long run, that we humans are not very trustworthy. In the meantime, I will also work with him to get comfortable with being on his playgym and such so that when I need him to not be on me, he has other places to be where he enjoys himself and feels comfortable...but I will not deny him my shoulder.
And besides, he is so darn cute...how could I not cuddle and give him kisses and scritches!!?:)

01-12-2009, 05:23 AM
Sounds right to me! Like you said, I, also, follow my instincts. :)

01-12-2009, 06:43 AM
Hi Cindy
I think that Skittles must be about the same age as Kiwi? I picked up some formula the other day, and have been letting her decide if she wants it--I know she was "weaned," but 7 weeks seemed too early for me, and she's eager to eat baby food when presented. She's eating 3-5ccs per feeding (2x day) as well. So I'll just let her keep eating it until she doesn't want it any more :)

She's also in the clingy phase, and I had the same question about teaching independence, so I'm glad you asked. Kiwi basically stays snuggled in my shirt for most of the day (I work from home), with a nap time for a couple of hours in the afternoon. She wants nothing to do with her cage or her playstand. I'd love to hear how things are going with Skittles and any tips you might have for toy-playing, getting him to use his playgym, etc.


01-12-2009, 09:50 AM
Hi Meagan--It's nice to hear from another lovie mom with a new baby, and nice to hear that Kiwi is doing the same things that Skittles is doing. however, this morning it seems that Skittles has discovered his beak and biting my fingers...OUCH!!!! Where did that come from? and what do I do to discourage it? Guess I'll head over to the biters anonymous forum--LOL!!
Anyway--It's nice to meet you!! i am off to look for other posts from you to see if I can find any pics of Kiwi!!

01-12-2009, 10:02 AM
Hi Cindy,
You must be trying to get Skittles to do something that he/she doesn't want to do! Biting is the natural reaction when that happens!

You are going to have to let him/her know that it hurts so perhaps the bites won't be as hard. Sometimes preening our skin or nibbling can get a bit painful so they have to learn to preen/groom us using not as much pressure. If the biting is a protest because he/she doesn't want to do what you want, you can try using a perch instead of your hand/fingers.

01-12-2009, 10:10 AM
Actually, Skittles is cuddled up on my shoulder, but everytime he sees me typing, he runs down and nabs my fingers as I'm at the keyboard...so I don't know if it's seeing my fingers moving or what...but honest, I'm not doin' nuthin' else:)

01-12-2009, 10:33 AM
New game and it's not uncommon! There are a lot of our members whose lovies do the exact same thing. I think BarbieH may have offered some suggestions in Biters Not So Anonymous! Her lovie hen, Gracie, really put Barb through her paces! :lol

01-12-2009, 03:29 PM
Actually I figured out what it is I think...I have a ring on my left hand...a beautiful mother's ring that my children got me for mother's day with my childrens, my grandbabies, and my birthstones in. As I'm typing, all those stones make for some bright and tempting fun for a baby lovie, and that is what he seems to be goin after. I think he bites trying to get my fingers to stop moving because as soon as I stop typing, he lets go and goes for the ring...so yes...definitely a new game to a baby lovie. I may have to take the ring off when he is with me...something very hard for me to do, as this is one of my most cherished possessions, and hasn't left my hand since the day I put it on. However, I realize that he could probably work a stone out before I know it with his little beak, so...when Skittles is out, the ring will be safely tucked away somewhere:whistle: