View Full Version : Early morning talking

01-13-2009, 03:18 PM
J.P. is settling in and started making all kinds of sounds first thing this morning. The sun had just come up and he was still covered. I was sleeping until he decided to make noise. He's in my bedroom so I talked back to let him know I was there and I could tell he didn't care and wasn't calling out to me.

I listed for a few seconds and then realized he was calling out to the wild flock of conures outside. I'm in Los Angeles and we have several flocks of them. I live on a corner on a major boulevard and they often fly down the side street - right by my windows - and land in a huge tree that's on the center divider out front. Well, they had stopped by for a visit and J.P. decided he needed to have a discussion with them.

It was quite cute but it would be a lot cuter if they stopped by a tad later. I have 2 cockatiels in the living room and they call out to me when I leave the room and I call back. J.P. ignores them and does not talk to them at all but a flock of wild birds stop by and the little dude gets all excited. He yapped and flapped and was very happy.

My cockatiels used to get excited about the conures and it seemed like they stopped by to chat with them. For some reason, the cockatiels are over them and they now ignore them. The conures don't come by as often and I'm wondering if we'll get more frequent visits from them now that J.P. thinks they are his new best friends.

01-13-2009, 03:57 PM
My two call to all birds! Even on the TV! No matter what theyre doing they stop in their tracks when they hear another bird! I wonder what they say! :D

01-13-2009, 06:37 PM
When I first got elmo.. ANY bird sound he would say hello too.. i was watching some soapie tv show and they were filming outside and had the sounds of birds.. and elmo was talking talking talking to them.. i didnt realise until I listened VERY closely to the tv.

I found that get over it as they get older.. or once they realise they are in their forever home.. now (6 months down the track) I dont get scared everytime I hear bird sounds because elmo ignores them. She knows that I am her flock, and will call to me everytime I leave the room.. even if its for 2 minutes to go to the toilet..!! I can hear here.

You will find that your lovie will learn to make conure sounds and when you go outside and hear conrues. you will think.. is that the conures or my lovie??.. I have the same. but my conures are rainbow lorikeets.