View Full Version : My female lovebird has permanent PMS

01-16-2009, 04:17 PM
Well we have had Kiwi now for about a year...we went through the whole egg laying- baby raising bit....but since day one there is no way we can touch, handle or come close to her...she instantly goes into airplane mode and will bite hard enough to draw blood....and heaven forbid she get a hold of your skin because the little bugger will not let go...you literally have to pull her off along with half your skin. I am wondering what I can do to bring her out of this. Her mate Jake, is the calmest most trusting bird around....he loves both my husband and I....he will sit on our shoulders all day if he could. Why cant Kiwi see him doing this and know that she has no reason to be so darn nasty!! Help!!:confused:

01-16-2009, 05:16 PM
Ah i have asked myself the same thing about boo many times but i have come to accept boo will be boo and everybirdie is different, and on the bright side all her damage has caused me to get tough skin and callouses so when i rehome or take care of biteing lovies i go " that wasnt so bad not like boo!" lol

01-16-2009, 08:43 PM
The only thing I worry about is the 4 babies that she had...they are about 5-6 weeks old now...and they see how she reacts and I noticed lately that when they see her biting or trying to bite...they do it too...and I want them to be sweeties like their daddy....lol:rofl: