View Full Version : About Skittles

01-17-2009, 04:23 PM
I spoke with a wonderful avian vet today, who was very kind and understanding.
She suggested that I I could still get a necropsy done on Skittles, but that there was no guarantee that I would get any answers. Of course his death could have been any number of things, but the most suspicious was the non-stick pan that was old and had scratches.
She said disinfecting everything was the right thing to do. I could have disinfected the perches, toys etc...but decided to start out with new instead. I threw out even the perches that came with the cage. The perches I had bought were not all that expensive anyway and I'd rather be safe than sorry again.
So...having done all that...the vet that I spoke with encouraged me to save the money from the necropsy, and use it instead for a baseline well birdy exam for Zoe which would include baseline bloodwork, testing for the various diseases, and the polyoma vaccine series... believe she said it was two shots.
She also encouraged me to contact the breder and let them know what happened to Skittles...which I am waiting for them to call me back...I've left messages. Then, if they are ethical breeders, they can get their birds tested if they haven't done so already. If they are not ethical breeders, then even if i did the necropsy, and if it showed anything, and I informed them of it...they wouldn't do anything about it anyway.
So...that is where things are at...I've decided to take the vet's second suggestion, and use the money toward a well bird exam for Zoe, and for things she needs to stay healthy...such as the bird lamp I just purchased. It was actually just the bulb I needed to purchase, as I already had a light fixture to use it in.
Also--she told me about this stuff called Oxyfresh--that is 100% bird safe and a great disinfectant...she said it will even kill polyoma virus. I bought some today and plan to use it rather than bleach to keep all of Zoe's things clean. I bought mine at Parrot Island which is an awesome bird store that is practically in my backyard!! www.parrotislandinc.com The owner told me they use it everyday on all of their birds things...for rope perches they soak them in the stuff and let it dry. Anyway--just thought I would share about the stuff in case anyone is interested.
I feel good about my decisions after speaking to the vet at length today...she really took her time with me and on a Saturday even!! I feel that she was very knowledgeable, honest and sincere, and I'm at peace.
Also--while out shopping last night, i went to go get some stainless steel fry pans, but found the "Green Pans" instead, so I was excited about that. So I picked those up last night. All of the old non-stick pans are in the trash( I found a second teflon pan in my cupboard). all of the other non stick stuff...waffle iron, george foreman grill, electric frypan are going to be advertised on Craig's list.
Thanks you all for being there for my little Skittles and me. I'm off of here for now to go cuddle my little Zoe!!
Hugs again--

01-17-2009, 04:35 PM
i think your vet offered good advice and i'm glad you are satisfied w/ your decision :) have fun w/ your new baby. please stop by and let us know how zoe is doing. let me know if you give her a blogspot as i'd love to follow along :) besides, you are are the only bird person in mn i've found online in these forums. have a great weekend

01-17-2009, 06:31 PM
I think you're absolutely doing the right thing. Zoe is an absolute princess. I just *know* that skittles would approve :) I just donated the rest of our non-stick pans...I think that Mr. Flip thinks I'm nuts! But I just want the birdies to be safe :) Going to buy some nice safe earth chef pots tomorrow (http://www.earthchef.ca/).

I'm glad that you are at peace.


01-17-2009, 08:28 PM
I did the same thing when Marley died. I decided that the money was better spent on making sure Eddie was ok. I had Marley to the vet many times before his death and felt like they had failed me. The tests I did to make sure he was ok didn't help catch anything early, so that was discouraging.

I am glad you are feeling happier.

What is a green pan?

01-17-2009, 09:07 PM
What a lovely vet..

In terms of pots, i have replaced everything with stainless steel pots, i use a bit more oil than what I would have before, but its worth it, for not only elmos health but for my health too :) plus the stainless steel pan i have, heats up ALOT quicker.. and is alot hotter than what my teflon was.

01-17-2009, 10:50 PM
What is a green pan?

Green Pan is a brand name of non-toxic non stick pans. You can get them in various places but Home Shopping Network carries them so you can go to their web site to see them & read reviews. Pip's mom has them & said she liked them so I double checked with her after reading the very mixed reviews on HSN. People seem to either love them or hate them. I suspect the people who had them didn't read & follow the directions. For example, I got a set & gave part of the set to my sister for Christmas. I was reading the directions to her & she blew me off. Said, "It's just a pan!" I willing to bet my part of the set will function better/last longer than hers..hee hee. I'll let you know down the line.!

Pips mom
01-18-2009, 01:42 AM
The green pans are great for things like eggs and even cooked on cheese comes right off! The only thing I have noticed is that if you cook any kind of meat in them, it does stick and you may have to scrub some to get it off. The one pan we use the most is starting to wear, but we use it alot and have had it for a year and a half......I found the pans in target also, so I will probably replace the one we use alot eventually because it is starting to show some wear.....my boyfriend really puts those pans through alot! so for the one to start looking a little "cooked in" doesn't really surprise me. What's nice about these pans is that they don't have the dangerous chemicals that teflon has, which is not only good for birdies, but also alot healthier for us!