View Full Version : Zoe's Webpage...

01-18-2009, 05:04 AM

01-18-2009, 09:59 AM
Very nice page, Cindy!!
Got 2 questions for you....

1. How do you find Zoe in her cage with everything in there??? :lol I agree that there can never be enough toys to amuse them but Zoe is also a very small bird! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

2. This is a serious question. How wide is the bar spacing of the cage? I've actually seen a lovebird squeeze through 3/4" bar spacing and escape. For lovebirds and smaller birds, recommended bar spacing is 1/2" or 5/8". I thought I would ask, as it's hard to tell in the photos but the spacing looks a bit wide.

01-18-2009, 10:25 AM
What a great webpage, and may I say, Zoe is one seriously cute parrotlet! :)

01-18-2009, 11:23 AM
Thank you both!! Linda--The bars are actually only 1/2", so should be no escapes there!! They do look much wider in the picture, don't they...I just went and looked at her pictures. Just went and actually measured now...I was worried...but from the inside of one bar to the inside of the next is exactly 1/2".
Also--I must say--parrotlets are the absolute quietest bird I have ever had...her little chirpies are just so sweet and quiet!!

Pips mom
01-18-2009, 11:37 AM
Awww, she's a cutie, and I love her web site too! Good idea getting the band cut off! I can't imagine Pip ever having a leg band, I would be worried since he's just so active and all over the place! I think I'd have it cut off too if Pip came with a band, but luckily he didn't!
My pionus Ivy's previous owner has alot of those little parrotlets! I still keep in touch with her with pics and videos and updates on Ivy and last time she sent to me a video she put on youtube that is cute as can be! Her one parrotlet pair had babies, and she raised them and handfed them and all but one went to good homes. The video has some really cute pics of her parrotlets and babies, thought you might enjoy it!


01-18-2009, 11:47 AM
I wasn't sure about the bar spacing, either. It does look wider! 1/2" is perfect so there will be no escapes or accidents..... :)

01-18-2009, 01:04 PM
awwwww-pips' mom--that video was precious...what very beautiful pics and beautiful birds. Thank you for posting it...I really enjoyed it.

01-18-2009, 03:48 PM
How cute!! You know, I still haven't seen a parrotlet in pet stores here!! And I never see newspaper/online ads for them either!!

01-18-2009, 08:17 PM
i've never seen a parrotlet before either in life. i love zoe's blogspot. so cute!!! and awesome photos cindy. where'd you get that wooden thing for the top of her cage? I've been looking for one myself. hook a bird lover up!!!!!

01-18-2009, 09:32 PM
i've never seen a parrotlet before either in life. i love zoe's blogspot. so cute!!! and awesome photos cindy. where'd you get that wooden thing for the top of her cage? I've been looking for one myself. hook a bird lover up!!!!!

hey Bookworm!!! The 'wooden thing" on top is actually two multibranch grapevine perches that are standing on end and attached to the top of her cage. I think they are very pretty like that, and Zoe loves them.
If you have never seen a parrotlet in real life before...I know where you could go to see one and even hold her and give her scritches:whistle::happy:
Oh...and where I got the grapevine perches...at Parrot Island in Eden Prairie. www.parrotislandinc.com Have you been there yet? If you haven't...you have no clue what you are missing out on. I mean...we are so lucky to have this store here so close to us. It is practically in my backyard...almost!! It is an awesome store, and the ONLY store I will go to now for my little girl. I buy this wonderful food mix there from them to that is very healthy, and organic millet that is the most beautiful millet I have ever seen. i will never step foot inside of petco or petsmart ever again. I buy Roxy's food(my shih tzu) at Chuck & Don's.
I still say--lets meet for coffee or tea, and then I can lead the way to parrot island for you. If you haven't been there yet, I would love to see your face when you walk in the door. The owners are great too. They spend so much time talking to the customers and educating. Give me a call...I will pm you my phone number again. I would love to hook up with another bird lover!!