View Full Version : Talking lovie!

01-19-2009, 01:58 AM
Does yours ever talk?

My sunnybird has been an original in more than one way! Today she decided to echo my hubby when he chirped at her. This is the first lovie i've ever had that "talks". :happy:

It's so cute....she's been making small cute kiss noises when we kiss her..... and now.... Hubby says "chirp" at her and she usually responds with a small kiss noise or by tipping toward him and tapping her beak on his cheek or lip. Today he says "chirp" and she said it back!!

We even managed to capture it on video... but i don't know how to convert avi files into something I can post on youtube to share with you all (PM me if you have simple instructions i can follow to take care of that)... also, i'm on a macbook pro, so i need mac instructions.

I don't know that i would've recognized it as a word if she hadn't said it right after hubby said "chirp" to her though... it's high and squeaky, but said with the same intonation as my husband's & it sounds completely different from her normal squeaks. She did it twice, and my husband's expression both times is priceless!

01-19-2009, 08:31 AM
How cute! Bea will imitate whistles and both her and Pallie make kissing noises but nothing that sounds like a word yet... :)

On another note, when Bea is on my shoulder and very happy she pushes the top of her head under my chin. It's just adorable! :happy:

01-19-2009, 03:46 PM
Jack does the wolf whistle, and sometimes she does the first half, Chino does the second half. It's like he knows she's going to do it because he does it without skipping a beat.

Chino says several words, but Jack (the lovie) mimics Hi Jack, Gimme kiss, and Pretty Bird.

Chino is very clear, but Jacks words are only clear to those who know her, and it's usually when we're saying it to her.

01-22-2009, 12:36 PM
Gracie does the best at this. She mimics the pattern of the words, "pretty bird." And she speaks fluently to the microwave and R2D2. :)

01-22-2009, 12:44 PM
Wow that is awesome! I have never heard of lovebirds that actually talk! It would be so neat to see video! I hope you can figure it out! 2 of my cockatiels talk and so does my amazon, but that's it!

01-22-2009, 04:06 PM
Ive only heard of lovies talking but i never had the pleasure of hearing. :) The only tiel ive ever seen talk was my mother in laws. But hers more of mumbles the words..youd have to listen REAL close to understand him.

01-22-2009, 04:20 PM
Ive only heard of lovies talking but i never had the pleasure of hearing. :) The only tiel ive ever seen talk was my mother in laws. But hers more of mumbles the words..youd have to listen REAL close to understand him.

Our tiels sound more like a whisper :)

01-22-2009, 11:09 PM
Buddy is multi lingual, although with limited vocabularies in everything but lovebird. She speak lovebird, of course, & budgie--your basic budgie sound, & canary--your basic canary peep, & human--your basic lovie slave word: baby :rofl: She understands who speaks what, too. She peeps to the canary, never to me. And she says baby to me, usually when I am saying it. And no, it's not very clear. But her vocal quality it totally different than at any other time. Pretty much the same vocal quality my budgies used to use & Gussie currently uses, when talking. Gussie is much more verbal--although not a whole lot clearer. She has recently added "good girl" to her vocabulary but she has been mumbling LOTS lately. I know from the vocal quality that she is trying to say words. Just can't understand her. She will sit on my shoulder just before bed & go on & on for 15 or 20 minutes, non-stop. All I ever understand is "pretty bird", "baby", and "good girl" however. But we're working on it. I love to listen to her mumble, even if I don't understand her :happy: