View Full Version : Shhhhhhh!!!!! Don't tell her....

01-20-2009, 12:16 AM
I think Zoe may be having an identity crises(sp?)
Since this is the forum that we come to all the time...I think she is beginning to think she is a lovie instead of a parrotlet...lets not tell her ok? We'll just let her think she is a lovie so she doesn't get confused:whistle:
We sure are having fun here!!
Also...tomorrow is my first day back to work since bringing Zoe home...and I don't want to leave her!!! i want to stay home a few more days with her...I feel like a mom leaving her new baby to go back to work. if I only worked 8 hour shifts, it wouldn't be so hard...but I work twelves, so it's a long day to not be home with my baby!! She won't be all alone...my son will be here with her, but I wanna be here!!!! You can bet I'll be calling home every couple of hours to check on her!!
Cindy & Zoe

01-20-2009, 01:08 AM
i know how you feel. when i first got joey, i'd rush home from work just to be with him. at least zoe's not alone w/ your son there. yeah, after i got the 2nd bird, i didn't rush home anymore knowing there was another bird w/ him. the things we do for these birdies.

01-20-2009, 01:11 AM
i want to stay home a few more days with her...I feel like a mom leaving her new baby to go back to work.

I've never had a kid, but when i got Joey, I was like, "wow, this is how mom's must feel on their first day back at work cuz I gotta hurry home and see my baby bird." :rofl:

01-20-2009, 02:08 PM
I'm pretty fortunate in that regard.

I'm only 5 mins away from home, so even when I was handfeeding, it was fine. I come home for lunch, and am done for the day by 3:30. With all of our varying schedules, usually, the longest the pets are alone is about 3 hours- unless we all go somewhere together.

I'm ready to handfeed again... :) Caique or female eclectus baby, maybe?

01-20-2009, 04:25 PM
My 12 year old daughter always grumbles " if i only got half the goodies and money you spend on your birds i could buy more prada! "
Um... ok lol

01-20-2009, 05:36 PM
Hey bubbleking...did you tell your daughter that if she grew feathers, learned how to be incredibly cute, bit when she didn't like how things are going, and agreed to be locked in a cage when you have other fish to fry, she'd maybe have a chance at the prada?

01-20-2009, 05:47 PM
I think she is beginning to think she is a lovie instead of a parrotlet...Cindy & Zoe

Do like we did with my mom. My dad was 100% Irish. My mom is a melting pot kid. We told her when she married my dad she became Irish. Just tell Zoe that when you joined this forum, ALL your birds became Lovebirds. After all, Lovies & Parrotlets share a lot of their personality traits: fiesty, huge personalities in very little bodies, busy, independant, funny, irresistable....I could go on but you get the idea. She is, in a sense, a Pigmy Lovebird. And I don't consider "pigmy" a perjorative. Good things come in small packages :happy:

01-20-2009, 07:08 PM
My 12 year old daughter always grumbles " if i only got half the goodies and money you spend on your birds i could buy more prada! "
Um... ok lol

MORE Prada...?? At 12 years old she already HAS Prada? :omg:

01-21-2009, 12:09 AM
PRADA!!!!!!! I never thought of that...I can buy Zoe some PRADA!!!!!! thank you so much for the idea Bubbleking!!! Hmmmm....now where can i get Prada at this time of night? Maybe the all night Walmart?
Zoe!!!!!!! Come on baby--mama's taking you shopping!!!!:clap:clap:clap:roflmao: