View Full Version : Who wouldve thought they could be so loud!

01-23-2009, 10:49 PM
My gosh! Now that Stormy is starting to get used to his/her surroundings hes gotten so loud! :rofl:

His cage is in our bedroom where he spends the evenings and mornings with us, but during the day he now hangs out with my cockatiels in my bird room. He loves it in there and has a blast with all the other birds :)

The other night he was sitting on my shoulder (and staying for the first time!!) and he started chirping and i guess singing? Not sure what you would call it. He wasnt flock calling, he was just chirping to himself really. My husband Eric looked at me like..uve GOT to be kidding :rotfl

Ive got a Goffins, an IRN, a Quaker, 3 tiels, and 2 doves, and i think he could probably pull off being JUST as loud as any of them. haha!! Whoever said the smaller the quieter was full of it :rotfl

I still love him tho. Hes my little Squeaker :D

01-23-2009, 11:05 PM
Oh yeah.. my mum is still amazed at how such a tiny thing can make such a loud noise.. so noisy we can hear it from our apartment car park!!.... (we are three on the third level!!!)

Its worse when they scream in your ear.. oh.. thats always fun being slightly deaf for 10 mins!...

but they are so cute they can get away with it..

01-28-2009, 09:35 PM
My gosh! Now that Stormy is starting to get used to his/her surroundings hes gotten so loud! :rofl:

My husband Eric looked at me like..uve GOT to be kidding :rotfl

Whoever said the smaller the quieter was full of it :rotfl

Obviously you have forgotten that the lovebird's small size is just an optical illusion. I believe it is something like Harry Potter's invisibility cloak--lovebird feathers have a miniturizing effect. But underneath those feathers is a very large parrot. The feathers have no affect on the lovebird voice or personality, however. :rotfl

01-28-2009, 11:01 PM
I believe it is something like Harry Potter's invisibility cloak--lovebird feathers have a miniturizing effect. But underneath those feathers is a very large parrot. The feathers have no affect on the lovebird voice or personality, however. :rotfl
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: love it. its so true.

01-28-2009, 11:50 PM
Haha no kidding!! I trully believe my Goffins has a cloak as well. Underneath his is a 2 year old bratty child!!