View Full Version : leaving the parents

01-27-2009, 05:44 AM
My three babies are 5 1/2 weeks. The parents are now encouraging them out of the nest box for little trips around the cage. So cute. One of the babies took a short flight last night when I was holding him. I didn't realize they could fly yet since all their feathers aren't in! Yikes, I was so afraid baby would get hurt, but luckily I caught him before he crashed into anything dangerous. My question is, when should the babies be removed from the same cage as parents ? My cage is very roomy for two birds but not five. I am giving one to a friend, who has raised pigeons for years, so I know he'll be well taken care of but I don't want to let him go too soon. I said I wasn't going to keep any but I think I'm having a change of heart. When you know them from birth you certainly get attached!