View Full Version : sleep schedule.

01-27-2009, 08:39 AM
Hi everyone - me again! T minus 4 days until I pick up Sydney! Cant wait...I'm still really nervous but really excited too!

Quick question about lovebird sleep habits - Is there a time I should put Syd in its cage every night and then leave him/her be until a certain time later? Im wondering if Sydney should be on a routine sleep schedule. I know they need 9-11 hours of sleep, so I want to make sure I do that.

Thanks in advance.

01-27-2009, 08:50 AM
it depends on the routine the breeder has set for your baby i guess. when I got elmo the first time.. she would wake up at 8am on the dot... and squawk at the other birds outside.. fast forward 7 months.. we both go to bed at about 10 and wake up at about 10...

01-29-2009, 05:48 AM
Your baby will adapt to a schedule that you set for him or her. And, he will go thru some changes, too. When we first got Peanut, I'd put him in his cage at 9 every night and he'd be up by 7 every morning. Then we moved his cage to a different area and he'd still go to bed at 9, but didn't get up until 9. Now, he is ready for bed at 8 and we have a snuggle session where I hold him for an hour or so and let him sleep on me. But, he still gets up at 9.

01-29-2009, 07:52 AM
Kiwi lives in our front room during the day, but we take her cage into our bedroom at night so that she can get an uninterrupted sleep. She is usually ready for bed around 7-7:30, and she gets up around 7-7:30. It depends on your schedule though. As long as Sydney is getting 10-12 hours of uninterrupted sleep, you can arrange his bedtime to match your schedule.