View Full Version : Is this ok?

01-28-2009, 09:49 AM
Sunny and LuLu have decided that they like to walk down on the floor. Is this ok? I just get scared because they are so small... But everytime I put them back on their play gym they fly right back to the floor! What can I do to turn this back around?:confused:

01-28-2009, 10:16 AM
No. The floor is a dangerous place. Ask anyone who's ever stepped on a bird or has had a bird stepped on by another person!

How do they find their way to the floor?

01-28-2009, 10:39 AM
BIG Rule at my house...


Nope- floor walking is dangerous. Dogs can step on them, kids, husbands, and it's easy to lose track of them down there.

01-28-2009, 10:57 AM
Its so dangerous but a very hard habit to break. My very first lovie as a child was huge on wandering the floor. I was soo careful but one day i came in the room in a rush not seeing him. He didnt make it :(

My birds are only aloud on the floor in the birdroom. But the door is shut, and when i go IN the room i know to look down every time.

Im not sure how to discourage it really if theyre flying to the floor. Hopefully someone else knows!

01-28-2009, 12:39 PM
they have out of cage time and mainly its LuLu...she just flys down there and walks around..... once I see her making her way down I put her back up....but she will keep on going! Like a little kid when you tell them no! they do it anyways then they look at you to see if you saw them! Thats what she does! she flys down looks up at me and give me the :whistle: face! when she does it sometimes sunny will follow!. How do I ge the to stop?

01-28-2009, 01:33 PM
My experience is that you can't get them to stop.

We tried and tried when we had only two birds. I don't know if they learned to not go on the floor or if they just preferred to be on their playgym or on us. I would put them back whenever they got on the floor and it was probably really good exercise--for me.

Now we have an area in the living room for their playgyms and we have little ladders so they can get back up when another bird chases them off and they end up on the floor.

There is continuous up and down activity when we have a bunch of the birds out. We do make them stay in that area and shoo them back if they start to wander over to another bird's cage.

Then, if neither one of us can supervise the birds, we collect them all and return them to their cages. So far, so good. We haven't stepped on one yet, but we do keep a close eye on them.

Right now I have three very determined little hens who have figured out which shelf I have the nestboxes on. When they are out to play they make a beeline for the nestboxes. Naughty girls!

01-28-2009, 04:40 PM
lol...... I can just picture them searching for the nest boxes! it's just weird there favorite thing used to be the fan...and now some how its the floor! I guess your right it will just be excercise for me....because chasing after a 1 year old is not enough! lol

01-28-2009, 09:42 PM
lol...... I can just picture them searching for the nest boxes! it's just weird there favorite thing used to be the fan...and now some how its the floor! I guess your right it will just be excercise for me....because chasing after a 1 year old is not enough! lol

I would do whatever you can to keep them off the floor. Along with the extreme danger involved, it can become even more of a habit as time goes by. Having this happen, it would greater the chance you'd end up with the one person who's unfamiliar unleash that fatal step.....:(......Also, because birds are several times more skiddish than our four legged pets, this leaves them even more likely to get stepped on. Think of how often poeple accidently step on their dogs feets, the only difference being they will survive, whereas your bird won't.

Incidently, i've just taken in a male lovie who not only loves feet but the floor as well. Whenever he starts heading down towards one foot I chase him right back up with my other one. In only two days, he already understands that hands and shoulders are a much more welcome place. If necessary though, i'll utilize a broom just to keep him in check...(no no no, not to swat him! :rolleyes:)...I may even try tossing a couple red hankies on the floor as well. Again, he's managed to learn in only 2 days the floor is not a welcome place..... I think most others would too, if you just work on them for a few days......And maybe add that playgym :whistle:

Really, besides some birds harboring an ill curiosity for floors, the only other time you might find them there is when their either lost, confused, or injured. That is to say, should your bird suddenly disappear I always recommend before taking a step to check the floor first, then procede with caution. Next place is the top of every open door, especially before you close it..............:omg:

01-28-2009, 10:03 PM
I lost Buddy for a while once--well, more than once, but this time it took me a long time to find her. She isn't a rug rat...just will walk from one room to the room I'm in if I don't come quickly enough when she calls me. Which isn't very often, me being a good slave. But once I was in my office & really focused on what I was doing. It was still daylight when she started calling me, but well after dark before I finally returned to the living room. My mom had been staying with me & I hadn't yet picked up the air bed from the floor. Yep, you guessed it. She put herself to bed. In my bed. All the way under the covers and the feather bed. Thank God I didn't sit down on the bed while I was looking for her. But then, when I am looking for her I never sit down on anything or take a step without looking first. Usually I find her sitting on top of the curtain rod or shoji screen, just quietly watching me hunt for her. Apparently very interested in my activity. Little toot. She will answer me if I call her from another room but not when we are in the same room. I guess she thinks if she can see me, I can see her:omg:.

01-28-2009, 10:43 PM
I lost Buddy for a while once--well, more than once, but this time it took me a long time to find her. She isn't a rug rat...just will walk from one room to the room I'm in if I don't come quickly enough when she calls me. Which isn't very often, me being a good slave. But once I was in my office & really focused on what I was doing. It was still daylight when she started calling me, but well after dark before I finally returned to the living room. My mom had been staying with me & I hadn't yet picked up the air bed from the floor. Yep, you guessed it. She put herself to bed. In my bed. All the way under the covers and the feather bed. Thank God I didn't sit down on the bed while I was looking for her. But then, when I am looking for her I never sit down on anything or take a step without looking first. Usually I find her sitting on top of the curtain rod or shoji screen, just quietly watching me hunt for her. Apparently very interested in my activity. Little toot. She will answer me if I call her from another room but not when we are in the same room. I guess she thinks if she can see me, I can see her:omg:.

Too funny bubblelady...somehow, as I get to know you better here from your posts...I have a feeling that you and your little Buddy are alot alike!!:whistle:
and I mean that in the nicest way!! hugs-Cindy & Zoe

01-28-2009, 10:47 PM
My Hale-Bopp went thru a period of being clipped and our birds were allowed to walk around the house. One of my brothers wasn't watching and stepped on him. He was lopsided for a long time and the vet (we took him the next day) was very surprised he pulled through that. I stayed home for a couple days just to hold him and feed him. He recovered okay, but we were very very lucky.

With Sunnybird, she occasionally tries to land on the floor, but I scoop her up quickly.

01-29-2009, 06:10 AM
No Birdies on the floor for me. I am somewhat sore from constantly bending down to pick them up! lol. But it's worth it!

01-29-2009, 08:02 AM
Incidently, i've just taken in a male lovie who not only loves feet but the floor as well.

did i miss a post michael - did you get goofy a companion??????