View Full Version : My lovies colors

08-05-2005, 09:12 PM
I am sorry to ask ya'all such a moronic question.....but I am having a rather difficult time indentifying the colors of my 4 lovies, would someone please HELP a lovie dummy??????

I have looked and looked all over the web......I see alot of birds similar, but I can't be sure. Where can I find the MOST pictures and info??? I have scoured the LoveBird Society web site......it's helped a bit.....but also confused me a bit more.

I feel somewhat confident in saying that my 2 males are "Creaminos". They are yellow, with peach/melon on the top of their head. The rest of the face is a creamy color. Is this a creamino??????

The females are proving to be more of a conundrum! I think one of them is "Seagreen"......she has a yellowish color on her forehead...??????? The other female is a pale green/olive color. The color on forehead is peachy/melon...........HELP!!!!!

08-05-2005, 09:50 PM
Sorry to say we can offer little help identifying these babies without pics.
Creaminos are usually females and are very pale yellow until molting, when they remain pale, but develop the melon colored brow.
Seagreens are identifiable by their two-toned upper mandible, and yellowish coloring on the brow might indicate a pied bird.
The green/olive bird needs more info, although my first instinct is an olive green.
Without pics, this is all merely a guess !

08-05-2005, 10:34 PM
Liz's Lovebirds has many different pictures of the various mutations, which may help out in your identification quest. Liz's Lovebirds (http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/2080/pf.html)

Also there is an Imagestation album that Traci (mangotiki) started which we all have been adding pictures to. It contains photos of our various lovies and their various mutations. The link to that thread (which has links to the albums) is http://www.lovebirdsplus.com/community/showthread.php?t=385

note to a moderatortypehelpfulperson: maybe we could sticky that thread so it's easier to find? Right now it's buried on page 6 of the photo forum...


08-05-2005, 10:46 PM
The easiest way to identify the creamino is by the distinct red eyes. If the eyes aren't obviously red, they are not creamino.

If you take two or three good pics of each of the lovies front and back and post them on the board, there are quite a few of the members who could tell you what mutations you have.

Buy A Paper Doll
08-05-2005, 11:24 PM
I am having a rather difficult time indentifying the colors of my 4 lovies
Don't feel bad at all about being confused by the color mutations on these little guys! When I got my baby Milo, it took me a while to grasp the fact that my little bird with a white face was considered a peachface lovebird. :lol

08-06-2005, 12:31 AM
Try these links




08-06-2005, 09:34 AM
Rachel and Jeremy....thanks for those links! I haven't looked at the link you posted, Rachel, in almost two years and it was great to go back in and see all of the colors. I had never seen the link(s) you posted, Jeremy. It's amazing to see all of the possibilities in love bird colors. Just beautiful!

08-06-2005, 02:21 PM
Okay, in a while I will pull them out and start snapping pics for ya'all. But I have been at Liz's web site. I sure about the male creaminos. Mine do have red eyes. I would say that they are "Seagreen Creaminos".

Female #1, I am fairly certain that she is some sort of "Whiteface" because of the pale yellow on her forehead. But she only has blue on her rump, the rest of her is a shade of green.

Female #2, she could actually be a Silver, or some sort of cinnamon.

I will post pics in awhile....... :wink:

08-06-2005, 03:03 PM
Okay, here's my first set of pics. I just took some more that hopefully will give a better view, but my battery ran down, so it has to charge before I can upload them.

These are pics that have been taken every little bit since the lovebirds came into my care.

In the album, I put the darker female first. I have named her "Violet". In the next group of pics is the lighter female with her Creamino mate. Her name is "Melly", and we haven't named the poor guy yet. The other Creamino who is IDENTICAL in every way to this little guy is named "Arnie".


08-06-2005, 03:18 PM
Me again, here's the pics I just took. I hope these good enough to help identify, my camera doesn't do real awesome up close, so a few a fuzzy.

Again, same order, Violet, Melly, and the Creamino male.

;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


08-06-2005, 03:52 PM
If that creamino is infact a male (proven or dna'ed) get breeding him !!! I have a new pair of lovebirds I'll be setting up for breeding next weekend and they have the genetics to produce male creaminos, which are in demand around where I live. Creamino boys are increasinly hard to find and I am hopeful to begin producing them shortly :)

08-06-2005, 05:53 PM
Well, the one with the peach or melon face is called a peach face. I have a hybrid that I got today. She is a cross between a peachface and a solid yellow I think she said. I don't know what other colors they are. I am new to this as well.

08-06-2005, 06:12 PM
From all my reading and research, all 4 are Peach Faces. But it's the mutations I am trying to indentify and stumping me big time. I am very certain my males are "creamino", and technically, "Seagreen Creamino". But it's the 2 females I am unsure of. After careful inspection, and looking intensely at pics, my light colored girl, Melly, is not a silver. To be silver their needs to be delineations....and she has none. Soooooooo I am leaning towards some sort of Cinnamon.....?????

08-06-2005, 07:25 PM
This is very hard to say. It is very hard not having pictures. Do you have any of your birds?

08-06-2005, 07:42 PM
Yes, they are posted........in this same thread on page 1.

08-06-2005, 07:46 PM
Kim: That's too funny because it's looking like one or even both of CuddlyBunny and Birdy Boots' creaminos are male. We kept one and his name is Ducky. His mate is our pied Aussie cinnamon Sage who we also think is a male. Too bad, keeping Sage happy is so important to us or I'd send him your way. He's a feisty one 8) .

08-06-2005, 07:50 PM
I am in no way an expert and will probably be corrected but Melly almost looks like an American White to me and violet looks to possibly be seagreen and maybe a cobalt seagreen :confused: :confused: .

08-07-2005, 12:56 PM

Not sure I could help but I do think you have a violet, single dark factor, a cremino for sure, does this bird have an OF? It sure looks like it, but could be the pics.

It would be a bit easier if you can list the birds by name also so that Linda or one of the others more familiar with mutations can list them by name.

They are gorgeous birds :)

08-07-2005, 02:26 PM
Your Creamino is a Creamino, no split for WF. It took a few different photos but I also think that Melly is an American White (aka Silver or Edged Dilute). The edging on feathering is very hard to photograph but if you know what to look for, it's there. As for Violet, the coloring still isn't quite good enough for me to take a guess.

08-07-2005, 03:19 PM
I think one of your birds is a orangeface seagreen with a single dark factor.
One other is a cinnamon, as the flights are tan as opposed to black. The other is a creamino, no whiteface.

I didn't see the violet, but if there was one in there, it is not a double factor violet. I did see one bird that looked like a split to whiteface blue. Can't offer much on that one, as I'm afraid I didn't really notice it.

Were there three birds in the photos or four? I checked again, and I still can't find the violet.

08-07-2005, 03:58 PM
I'm sorry Shy, the first bird pictured, is named "Violet". She has a yellowish forehead, and a green colored body, and a blueish rump. Her name has been confusing.

Guess I know better for next time!!! ;)

08-07-2005, 04:01 PM
Okay, I looked up "Whiteface Blue". I agree agree agree completely with everyone. But how can a bird be a Whiteface Blue, when she's green????? Only her rump is blue......is that just the way it works???? :D

08-07-2005, 04:21 PM
:D My guess... :)
Violet ~ cobalt blue series orangeface (the yellow on the forehead make me think that this is a blue series orangeface aka yellowface on a dutch blue bird)
Meaning I agree with Shy on this one except of the seagreen part :)

Melly ~ I agree with Linda on this one...of it being an American White, aka edge dulute, or aka silver. I'm not sure if it is seagreen or dutch blue because I can't look at the beak well enough...a couple of the pictures I think I see the two tone coloration, then a nother picture I can't see it. :confused:

And the creamino male ~ is a Creamino male :whistle: :lol but I don't agree that it is a seagreen, as it doesn't look like it has a two tone beak. :x I think this one is a dutch blue creamino (also known as an aqua ino).

this is my :2cents:

08-07-2005, 04:47 PM
Okay, I looked up "Whiteface Blue". I agree agree agree completely with everyone. But how can a bird be a Whiteface Blue, when she's green????? Only her rump is blue......is that just the way it works???? :D

There are two series of coloration in the peachface lovebird....you have the green series, and the blue series. There are three different blue series birds they are the aqua (dutch blue), the applegreen (seagreen) and turquoise (white face). The green series has the full coloration on the face, and the blue series have a creamy color face. Now to tell which blue series it is, you have to look at different things, such as the color of the melon color above the beak area, the beak itself, and the cleanness of the cream color on the face.

To confuse things even more there are 21 different mutations connected to the peachface, and when you add any of the combinations of these mutations you can end up with thousands of different colors. This is why peachface mutations are so fascinating. :D

I have one pair that has over 60 different color combinations that they can produce. They haven’t produced for me yet, as they are a young pair and I just paired them up about two months ago, but they will be ready to have a nesting box up in a couple more months. :whistle: Some of those 60 different color combinations will look just like others, because some of the males will be split to other color mutations. (split means there are color mutations that are not seen in the phenotype of the birds) Phenotype is the color that the birds look like, not the genes that the birds might be carrying. :)

I hope this helps with understanding why you might have a greener bird even though it is called a white face blue. :confused:
